Chapter 14: God of War

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After Hollow had introduced himself to Hope, the werewolf launched at her. He grabbed Hope by her scruff. The guardian wriggled as his red eyes inspected her form. Hope's paws flailed above the ground by a few feet. She couldn't get her jaw around to bite at him. It wouldn't do any good, Hope grimaced. It would be as if an ant bit her.

"Playtime will be over soon enough for you. Then it will be time to move on." Hollow was swinging Hope in front of his muzzle. She tried to snap at him but was still too far away. With his other clawed hand, he poked Hope's nose before he brushed the blood from her muzzle. Hollow swiped his tongue across his fur to get the blood. "I'll deal with you in a moment but I think I should enjoy the last moments you'll have here."

Hope tried kicking at Hollow. He caught her back leg and then held her upside down from it. Hope's head spun as she saw herself facing the ground seconds later. The werewolf took hold of her other back leg and held her up.

"Let me go!" Hope growled making herself swing while trying to get away. She tried to think of a way to escape. Nothing came to her mind. The blood was rushing to her head, Hope desperately tried to claw at something to get free. Or hoped to get free.

"I'll let you go." Hollow laughed as he let Hope fall onto the ground muzzle first. The impact stunned her briefly sending shocks through her body. She scrambled on her paws moments later. "Now run and make it fun!"

Hope didn't know what else to do. She dashed off into one direction and looked behind to see Hollow following her slowly. Thinking that if she bought enough time, maybe Halo would guide her how to use her power. That thought was what kept her wanting to fight more knowing she wouldn't survive otherwise. The odds of her walking out of this were slim.

She jumped over a stream that she had seen behind her. Up ahead, Hope saw boulders and a few fallen trees. If there would be room in one of the boulders, maybe she could escape that way. Hope sped up trying to get to it before Hollow could reach her. She heard and felt Hollow nearing her. The guardian's heart was pounding. Her legs felt tired and she wished nothing else but to rest for a while. That wasn't going to happen unless she'd let Hollow get to her.

The black werewolf leaped over Hope. She stopped herself, her paws skidded across the slippery snow. Hope was only ten feet away from the boulders. There had been a perfect hiding place for her but Hollow had blocked her path. It was as if he knew her plan.

Hollow crouched on all fours towards Hope. Hunger glowed in his deep red eyes. The werewolf's claws gripped the ground underneath him. The guardian backed away from him, she could hear the stream behind her.

Would this be the end? Hope asked herself. Fear flashed across her eyes, it made Hollow laugh with victory. She felt her eyes begin to water.

"Too bad all good things have to come to an end." Hollow's voice was almost like a purr. He raised his clawed hand above Hope. She closed her eyes while ducking her head getting ready for the final blow. "This run has been fun."

She heard his arm coming down towards her. From behind her, there came a swoosh of air which landed in front of her few feet above her ears. Something had met with Hollow's claws. The sounds of something metallic clanking together sounded seconds later. A new smell wafted over her nostrils, it was a softer smell. The smell of chocolate welcomed the guardian.

Hollow's yowl made Hope open up her eyes. She was surprised to see a tall armored man in front of her. He wore grey knight-like armor she had read in books. An axe was raised above his head that had blocked Hollow's clawed hands.

"You!" Hollow snarled with anger. He tried to slash away at the man but he moved too fast for him to strike at him. The man jumped back and landed right next to Hope. She saw that he was an older man with pale wrinkled skin. The viking styled helmet on his head still showed his long white beard that went down to his chest. He had clear blue eyes which looked young for his age. The eyes sparkled with determination.

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