Epilogue: Embrace

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All the darkness looked exactly the same as it had always. There were no directions that told north and south apart. Everything around the dark world was flat with no change. The air wasn't cold or hot. Along with that, there were no smells whatsoever. Everything just smelled neutral with no scent.

Or perhaps she had gotten used to it. That's how houses smelled as well. Once you have been at a certain place for so long, you don't notice the unique scent of a house.

The older woman took another look around herself. Darkness still surrounded all of the surroundings but it didn't surround her. She wore a blue blouse along with dark blue jeans. There were no shoes on her feet. She was thankful for the ground being neither too cold or hot.

She had short black hair that went just down to her ear tips. The woman's forest green eyes stared all around her but still wasn't able to tell anything apart.

It felt like she had been traveling in the darkness for ages. She wasn't sure how the time was kept in this place. Even if she didn't feel hunger or thirst, she knew she had been there for a while.

Sometimes, there would be a warm feeling on her hand. It felt as if someone was holding onto it lovingly. There were also times when she would hear voices around her. Even though they were muffled, she recognized them. One of them was of her adopted daughter, Hope. Lately, she hadn't heard Hope's voice at all. There had been Eve though who she was thankful hearing as well. Though worry gripped her. Where was Hope? Was she okay? These were some of the things she didn't know.

"Patricia," a soft voice came behind the woman. When she turned around, she saw a tan colored werewolf standing a few feet away from her. Her soft brown eyes gazed down into her green eyes. On the werewolf's body, there were darker stripes. "It is time for you to wake up. Hope needs you."

Patricia was taken aback. What did this werewolf mean by it was time for her to wake up? Hope always needed her, she always needed Hope. The two of them were family after all.

"Where is Hope?" Patricia asked the werewolf. The werewolf towered over her easily though she wasn't frightened even slightly. "This place... it keeps on going forever."

"Hope is fine but you need to wake up, Patricia. You have been sleeping for a long time." The werewolf approached Patricia. Once the words had gotten to her, Patricia was stunned. Had she really been asleep the whole time? She couldn't remember what happened before she entered this dark place. Her memories were foggy as she tried to remember. "Take my hand."

Patricia looked at the clawed hand which the werewolf had extended towards her. She hesitated raising her hand. The woman looked up at the werewolf, her eyes were kind and she didn't seem to be threatening at all. Around the werewolf, there was a soft aura.

"Who are you?" The question escaped her lips as her curiosity was overwhelming. "Who are you to me?"

The werewolf closed her eyes and then opened them up. A gentle smile came across her muzzle. She took a deep breath, still holding her hand out for Patricia.

"My name is Almond and I'm your guardian." She told Patricia who wasn't shocked as she thought she'd be. After all, Patricia had heard about guardians. She never expected herself to be important enough to have a guardian. There were only a few things she was surprised by. The more magical side of the world, that part of the world was what she was used to. "Take my hand, Patricia. I will lead you back. With all of my being, my spirit... I will make sure that you get back to Hope."

With that, Patricia took hold of Almond's hand. She expected it to be rough but it was actually quite soft. Once she would wake up, Patricia was certain that she would regain her memories of what had happened before. It felt ages since she had been awake in the real world.

"I'm ready." Patricia said to Almond who nodded in return.

The tan colored werewolf started to glow slowly until she was nearly blinding to look at. Patricia turned her head sideways while closing her eyes. A warm light bathed Patricia, she felt it warm her soul which she hadn't felt for a long while.

She felt air with the hand that had been holding onto Almond. When the woman opened up her eyes, she saw that there was a golden portal in front of her. It was the source of the warm radiance that embraced her.

"Step through this portal, young one. Recover from your slumber and go find Hope. She's with my mate, Knowledge. He will keep her safe while you regain your strength. Look for them, Patricia." Almond's voice sounded from the portal. Patricia stepped towards it, she held her hand through it. It felt like her hand went through some warm water.

"Thank you, Almond." Patricia smiled at the portal as she felt tears stream down her cheeks. She was going to see her daughter again. As if touching the portal, she felt the memories and the everything returning back to her.

The woman closed her eyes as she walked through the golden portal. The warm feeling surrounded her completely. Everything became light, there was just pure whiteness which surrounded Patricia.

It all changed.

Patricia opened up her eyes to find herself on a hospital bed.

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