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I had so many questions but the main one was... why was she ringing him.


"Talk to her", he hands me the phone.


"Elizabeth baby, I miss your voice".

"What the hell do you want? You're ruining my day", I walk out of the living room.

"You don't think I wasn't aware you were getting a certain question today? Your fiancé told me that we should reconnect, I am your only mother".

"Unfortunately. What makes you think I want you back in my life? You stole from me! You left me with nothing!".

"I left your dads ashes for you".

"Well thank you for being so considerate".

"I want to see you".

"You hurt me too many times".

"Please, for Christmas", I see Adam stand at the doorway looking apologetic. "I miss you".

I think about it for a while leaving the phone silent. "The weekend, you'll stay on the couch", Adam smiles and nods.

"Oh I cant wait to see you darling. Really I am sorry", she says. "I love you".

"I'll see you on Friday", I say ending the call. I look at Adam who stopped smiling when he saw my face. "How dare you".

"Sweetie I just-".

"Don't! Don't sweetie me, I just wanna get through the weekend without any trouble", I storm out the kitchen.

"Hey everything okay?", Cheryl asks.

"Everything's great. Mums coming on Friday!", I run upstairs and hit my face in the pillow screaming into it.

"He's just trying to help", I hear Cheryl.

"I know and I love him for that but it's my mother, she's a bitch. She always wants something or always ruins something and he knows that".

"She's just here for the weekend".

"A lot can happen in a weekend with her around", I get up and go back down.

"I'll let you two talk", she says and Adam comes in.

"I'm sorry".

"No you were just trying to help, I'm sorry just help me get through the weekend".

"Of course come here", he pulls me and hugs me. "I can't wait to marry you", he whispers and I squeeze him tighter.

"Okay I think we should all go out to celebrate", his dad announces. "Let's all get dressed".

"Great, Italian?", I suggest.

"Italian it is".

Me and Adam decide it best to save time we shower together.

I changed into a dinner dress and finished my makeup whilst Adam lead on the bed and watched me. "How long have you had that ring?", I ask him and he smiles.

"December 1st".

"When we bumped into your dad and Cheryl? Really? What was your plan then, before I got accused you of cheating".

"Well I was gonna tell you to pick up a package from the front door and you opened it there would be flowers leading all the way down the drive and you would down there to see all the houses Infront decorated in sunflowers and lights, then someone would sing and I would come out".

"All of that for me? Can we just pretend you didn't propose".

"Sorry", he kisses me. "It's been done", he lifts me up and carries me out of the room. "Just practicing".


The day has come. She's here. The devil herself. I guess I should try and make amends with her I mean she will be adams mother in law. She arrived at the house 10 minutes ago and I still haven't gone down.

"Sweetie?", Adam comes in. "You okay? Your mom is waiting for you".

"If she blows it Adam we aren't talking to her ever again. Even if we have kids and she's a grandmother. Never again".


"When what?".

"When we have kids. Not if", he kisses me and we go downstairs together.

"Hi baby", she smiles. "I missed you".

"I guess I missed you", I say and she hugs me.

"I got your Christmas gift it's under the tree already".

"Thanks. I didn't get you anything".

"Yet", Adam finishes. "We haven't done any Christmas shopping yet have we?", he looks at me. "Why don't we all have a drink".

"Just water for me", my mom says.

"You stopped drinking?", I ask.

"It was better for me too", she says.

Maybe she has changed a little. "How long?".

"A few weeks after I saw you. It hit me that the source of my problem was the alcohol".

I look at Adam who pulls a shock face. "That's good", I smile. "You want me to show you to your room?".

"Sure, i should probably unpack".

I let her get settled in and we decide it was better to go out for dinner. I loved going out to dinner with everyone what I didn't like was the paparazzi. I wasn't too bothered by the little comments anymore, I know they were saying them just to get a reaction and Adam always held my hand to calm my nerves which always worked.

"So sweetie, are you doing work whilst living with Adam?", my mum asks. Her questions came off as rude sometimes.

"Uh, no I-".

"She doesn't need to also we aren't living together like roommates we're engaged", Adam speaks for me.

"You don't need to do that", I say Quietly him. "I'm thinking about selling my artwork again", I say.

"You are?".

"Yeah", I say to him.

"Well you should you're amazing", Cheryl says.

"She would always draw all over the walls when she was a kid, I mean I'd go crazy anyone would but who knew she'd turn out to be an artist", my mum says whilst eating. "Pardon my manners", she says as I gave her a look. "Have you any thoughts on your honeymoon?".

"I mean I always loved the thought of somewhere in northern Italy", Adam says.

"Really?", I smile. "So did I".

"Isn't that sweet", my mom says. As much as I love having everyone here I couldn't wait for the house to be empty and just filled with me and Adam, I miss our time together.  The rest of the night went as smoothly as it could. My mum didn't cause any arguments, in fact she just listened to everyone else's stories and she didn't have one drop of alcohol. Maybe this is the mother I've been waiting for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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