Chapter 26

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“Miss,” Someone said to me as I sat in shock in the front of a police car. I had been placed there so that I wouldn’t disturb any evidence or anything. I was going to rip their heads off with my screaming but then I realized that it wouldn’t make them move any faster.

I had been sitting there for a good twenty minutes. Every seemed so slow, yet so fast. People moved in slow motion in front of me as I stared blankly out the front window but the clock on the dashboard seemed to be moving exponentially.

I couldn’t believe Zayn had been shot right in front of me. He could be going under the knife right this minute and I wouldn’t know it. He could be wishing for me to be with him and I wouldn’t know it. He could be breathing his last breath and I wouldn’t know it. He could be dead right now and I would be stuck in a damn cop car where he was first shot.

I couldn’t cry. Not yet, at least. The tears were welled up inside me and wouldn’t come out. I could care less that people were all around me; at a point like this I didn’t care if I was sitting on a stage crying in front of a thousand people. I just wanted to see him.

I couldn’t feel my hands, or my feet for that matter. All I knew is that they were cold. Is that what happens when you go into shock? All of the blood goes to only the necessary organs? Must be…

“Miss.” He said again and I looked up. There was now a man sitting in the driver’s seat and the car had been turned on. The radio was on but he shut it off to continue talking to me. Heat poured out of the vents but it did not help my goosebumps in anyway. “I’m going to take you to the hospital where Officer Malik is.”

Officer Malik. The name would have previously turned me on so much, but now it made me want to collapse on the ground. I needed to see him.

“Please,” I gasped and the officer started driving. I wanted some answers; anything really. I just wanted some sliver of hope that I could hang on to. “Is he going to be okay?” Tears began to fall from my eyes and my hands started shaking.  I wasn’t sure if it was because I was cold or because I was in shock.

“I’m not quite sure, Miss,” He said and he put the siren on. He started speeding down the streets and I let the tears fall freely from my eyes. “He’s a strong man. He’ll push through.” I nodded in agreement and then didn’t say another word.

The trip to the hospital seemed to take forever even though the siren was on and we were driving at least 70 mph. Nothing could be quick enough to go see Zayn. I just stared out the window the entire time. Everything seemed bland. I felt like my world was ripped in half. I felt like I was going to collapse. I held back a lump in my throat; if I let it go, I would probably have a panic attack.

When we got to the hospital I bolted out of the car after thanking the officer profusely. I quickly moved my ring from my right to left hand and ran to the front desk. I was surprised I had this quick thinking.

“I’m here to see Zayn Malik,” I gasped as my body hit the front desk. The woman gave me a weird look and then gave me instructions to go the wing he was in. Why couldn’t she just tell me where the f.uck he was anyways?

I went to the desk there after taking elevators and walking down numerous hallways. Hospitals are like damn mazes.  “Zayn Malik.” I stated as I got to the desk. My legs were hurting from the fast walking I had done but it didn’t matter.

“Are you of relation?” She cocked her head to the side and looked at my appearance. I was probably disheveled and looked like I had been through hell. No doubt make up was running down my face, my skin was pale and lifeless, and my entire body was shaking slightly.

“I’m his fiancé,” I gasped and ran my fingers through my hair so she would see my engagement ring. It was a lie but I needed to know how he was doing.

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