Chapter 55

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I ran harder than I had ever run before all in the attempt to numb myself. I guess you could say it was healthier than drinking myself half to death, but I didn't quite enjoy it as much. My lungs were absolutely on fire as I neared the end of my laborious run. Each breath burned but I pushed through the pain. I had easily run over 5 miles as I drowned myself in the fast paced electronic dance music.

Sweat was dripping down my face as I slowed down to a walk so I would have time to cool down. "F.uck..." I groaned and bent over. I felt something come up my throat as I heaved on the ground.

I shouldn't have eaten those pretzels so soon before my run...

I stood up and then continued walking to my car so I could get some water in my body. I was happy to see that my car was still the only car in the parking lot so Zayn wasn't there.

I climbed inside to get my water bottle and drank half of the water as I leaned on the hood. My breathing was semi normal as I tried to calm my body. When my breathing slowed down, I got inside the car and started driving.

By now, Zayn was probably just driving around the town to see if he could find me. I turned my phone off of Airplane mode and I was surprised by how many texts and calls I had missed.

I ignored each of them and drove off to my parent's house. The house was close by so I could stop there for a little while until I went to Nicole's house to beg to sleep over there. I imagined that she would probably not want me to stay there, but there was probably a bottle of alcohol or two in my parent's house that could coerce her to let me...

I continued thinking about ways to get Nicole to let me sleepover in case the alcohol didn't work. It was weird how even as I didn't pay attention, I unconsciously knew the way to my house. My body felt odd as I took the familiar turns that I hadn't taken in what seemed like forever.

A few minutes later I pulled up in my small driveway and sat in my car for a few minutes. I was nervous to go inside the house. I didn't know what would be in there or what condition it would be in. I hadn't been there since that horrible night that still sent chills down my spine.

I turned my car off in hopes that it would further motivate me to actually walk to the front door and open it, but it didn't work. I sat in my seat looking up at the small house where I had lived my first 18 years. The paint was chipping off and there was some toilet paper on the bushes from kids tee-peeing it. It was amazing how bad a house could look after only a couple months of no upkeep.

I took a deep breath before opening up the car door and grabbing my keys. When I stepped outside, a bad smell hit my nose and I nearly gagged. It smelled like absolute shit. I turned around and looked on the lawn to see multiple dog poops and other animal droppings scattered everywhere.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at what the house had become. Sure, it wasn't much to begin with, but at least there wasn't dog poop and toilet paper everywhere. I guess that people in the town were upset that there were two drug dealers living right under their noses. I mean, you could just see it by walking by the property.

I made my way to the front door, carefully avoiding dog poop, and stood in front of it for a moment before taking my keys out. I smiled a little when I noticed that we had a completely new front door, considering the fact that the police completely destroyed our old one. I just hoped the lock was the same...

I fiddled around with the key for a second before it slipped in and the door unlocked. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open and letting my eyes adjust to the dim light.

I stepped inside and shut the door before I finally let everything sink in. As I looked around, I saw that everything was nearly normal. It looked nothing like the last night I was there. There was no glass on the floor and all of the beer bottles had been put away.

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