Chapter 12 - The Real Natasha Romanoff

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Steve's POV

What a day. I can't believe I finally got through to Natasha. The "real Natasha" as she called it and I couldn't be more honored. She could have chosen to open up to anyone; Clint, Tony, Bruce, but she chose me and I was truly grateful for the opportunity.

I felt that I actually made a difference with her mental health, maybe helped her to feel like she wasn't as much of a monster as she originally thought. Amazingly, I can make an impact on someone's life in such a positive way with a few words.

I'll admit, my heart ached for her and the terrible stories she told but I made it my own mission to make sure that whilst I can't change her past, I can help make sure that she has the best future she can have.

"Hey Steve, you good?" Nat asked pulling me away from my thoughts. The way she looked at me made me feel as if she was looking into my very soul, reading me like a book. I nodded and grinned in reply as someone knocked at the door, stopping me from saying anything else.

I answered the door and greeted Didi who had brought us drinks and snacks for afternoon tea. I accepted them and brought them inside for Nat and me. We decided that we would eat them on the net, it was off the side of the house and hung over the water like a hammock. I carefully got down onto the net with the food and then turned around and offered a hand to Nat to help her down as well, which she accepted.

We enjoyed the refreshments whilst watching the sunset, I must say the colors of the sunset reflecting off of Natasha made her look absolutely radiant. Ever since we had that talk earlier this afternoon, she has been at a new level of ease. She was relaxed, or at least giving the illusion that she has relaxed earlier on in the day, but now she seemed so light and carefree, truly letting go of everything and enjoying the good time here.

I hadn't been so sure about whether I could give her the holiday that she deserved before but now I have new hope, this holiday is going to be amazing and I am going to make sure of it. She glanced over at me and smirked, gosh no matter how carefree she was, she was still a spy and could probably sense that I had been staring at her.

"You know I think the sunset is a far more beautiful view than I am." She teased causing my cheeks to heat up. However, I carried on the same teasing tone and replied with;

"I beg to differ." Now it was her turn to blush. I have to say, I think she is rubbing off on me. I have never really successfully flirted with anyone before really, but judging by the color of Nat's cheeks, I think I actually might be getting better.

We settled into a comfortable banter as we continued to watch the sunset and eat the food. At least I won't need dinner tonight after a massive lunch and snacks now. As if reading my thoughts Nat spoke up.

"I don't know about you but I do not feel like dinner after that." She chuckled, however it turned into a yawn.

"Oh dear Rogers, I think you and your grandpa vibes are rubbing off on me." She teased before stifling another yawn. I chuckled at her, she was just too cute. No, Rogers what are you thinking? She is a friend, one that you just got close with. There is absolutely no way that I am ruining that by letting my feelings get the better of me, I mentally scolded myself before helping to pick up all of the dishes.

"There is no problem with being tired, Romanoff. We have had a big day." I replied before helping get all of the stuff off of the net.

We walked back inside and I cleaned away the dishes whilst Natasha went to get ready for bed. She came back out in sweat pants and a matching t-shirt right as I finished cleaning up. Good timing. I went into the bathroom and also had a shower and got ready for bed. I came out of the bathroom wearing a singlet and sweat pants and chuckled as I saw Natasha already curled up in bed asleep.

I pulled back the covers and got into the other side of the bed. I got settled and was about to drift off to sleep when I felt a sudden movement. I looked over and saw that Natasha had curled up to me and had wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams Nat. I'm always going to be here for you. I will be with you to the end of the line." I spoke softly to her expecting no reply but was then caught off guard when I heard a soft reply come from her plump lips.

"Goodnight soldier." She whispered before going back to sleep. I don't know if she will remember my words in the morning, but regardless, every single word I said came from the heart. I truly cared about her and that would never change.

Hello, I know that this chapter was kind of short and boring but I think it is important for the upcoming chapters. I promise they will be a lot more eventful! Thanks!

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