Don't Mess With The Wrong Person

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Summary : Harry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it .

Just read , I don't know how to title it or explain it .

Enjoy x


"Hi Evan ." Louis smiled at the guard at the gate , Evan smiled back , "Hi Louis , lovely seeing you . Have a nice day ." He opened the gate for him , Louis nodded , "You too ."

He walked through the parking lot towards the entrace , smiling at the security guard who opened the door for him . He swiped his card and went through the automatic barrier to the lift , pressing the Up button and waiting .

When the doors opened he walked into the lift and pressed on the floor to Harry's office , leaning on the walls as the doors closed . He stood up when the lift doors opened and walked into the floor , giving Laura , Harry's secretary a smile .

"Louis , my sweet , how are you ?"

"I'm good , thanks . You doing alright ?"

"I'm doing lovely , babes . Walk right in , Harry is in his office ." She turned to the phone to let Harry know he was having company , but Louis stopped her , "Don't tell him , he doesn't know , I'm surprising him ."

She cooed softly as his pink cheeks and nodded , watching him walk down the hall to the office .

He punched the code in and opened the door , pushing the heavy door open , seeing Harry sitting behind his desk . Harry's face lit up when he saw it was Louis , he stood up from his chair , "Baby , what are you doing here ? You didn't tell me you were coming over ."

Louis smiled shyly , "I know , I wanted to surprise you ." He put his backpack down and giggled when Harry grabbed him , picking him up in a hug . "So , surprise ?"

"Best surprise ever ." Harry kissed his cheek , walking further into the room . He sat back down on his chair , letting Louis make himself comfortable on his lap .

"Have you had lunch yet ?" Harry asked , arms looped around Louis' tiny waist . Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , pressing soft pecks to his cheek , "Not yet . I was hoping we could have lunch together ?"

"Brilliant ." Harry turned Louis' head a bit and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Did you finish studying for today ?"

"Well - no , not exactly . I did finish my essay , but I still need to practice with Odin ." Louis kissed the corner of his lips . Louis was taking a course for defence dog training , and Odin was his two years old German Shepherd .

"Okay love . Let me just call Rod to make two meals ." He kept Louis on his lap , one arm holding him while his other hand dialed Rodrigo's number .

"Rod , I'm having company , make it two meals ."

Louis patted his chest softly , "Say please ." He whispered .

"Make one meal a bit smaller . Also take out the mushrooms ."

Louis took the phone from Harry's hand , pressing it to his ear , "Hi Rod , it's Louis . I'm doing great , thanks . Yes please , no mushrooms like Harry said . Thank you ." He hung up and turned to Harry , gently poking him in the chest , "You need to learn to say 'please' and 'thank you' ."

"They work for me , baby , I'm telling them what to do ."

"And you can still be nice and have manners ." Louis caressed his cheeks .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now