A Misunderstanding

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Summary : Harry tells Niall he likes a Tomlinson student in their school . He said Louis , but Niall heard Lottie and went to tell her Harry is into her . She goes to confront him but gets her heart broken when he says he doesn't ike her . Louis , being the protective older brother he is , goes to confront Harry .

Enjoy x


"Heard you like someone from school ." Niall wiggled his eyebrows at Harry , Harry rolled his eyes , "Did Zayn tell you ?"

"Well yeah , who else then ?" Niall chuckled , "Come on , tell me who it is !"

"No , I don't want to tell . I'm not really sure if they like me or not ." Harry shook his head , "I talked to them a few times and I'm still wondering if I should ask them out ."

"Tell me their name already !"

"Uhm , I - ugh . Louis Tomlinson ."

Niall , through the loud and crowded hall , grinned mischievously , "I'm telling her !" He said before running off .

"Her ? Who is her ?" Harry called after him , but Niall was already gone .


Niall approached a group of girls two grades under his , tapping one of the girls' shoulders . She turn around , raising her eyebrow . "Um , hey ?"

"Hey , Lottie Tomlinson , right ?" He asked , she nodded , "Yeah . Who's asking ?"

"Well , a little bird told me Harry is crushing on you ."

"Harry ? You mean - you mean Harry Styles ?" She asked in shock , her friends squealing in the background . Niall nodded , "Yeah , he definitely does . He wasn't sure if you like him back or not , but you should go talk to him ."

She nodded excitedly , Niall winked at her before walking away proudly .

Her friends hugged her tightly , she grinned and squeaked , "Harry Styles has a crush on me . Me !"


Back at home , Lottie walked in with a wide smile on her face . Louis walked down the stairs pushing his glasses up his nose , raising his eyebrows at her . "Why so smiley ?"

"You will never believe what happened today ." She jumped onto the couch , "Leave your nerdy books already and come sit with me , I'll tell you ."

Louis rolled his eyes but still smiled , going to sit next to her . "Tell me ."

"So I was standing with my friends by my locker today , just minding my own busines doing nothing particular . -"

"Lott's , get to the point ." Louis whined a little , "I have to go back to studying ."

"So guess who approached me ? Niall freaking Horan from your grade . You know , the cute one who used to have his hair bleached , but now he looks so good with brown hair , and he has a beard -"

"The point , Lott's ." 

"Right . Well , he told me that the Harry Styles has a crush on me but he's shy too ask me out ." She said and squealed , covering her mouth as she grinned .

Louis froze , staring at her with wide eyes . He's had a crush on Harry for quite some time now , they talked a few times but nothing more than that . He knew he didn't have a chance with him but to hear that he's crushing on his little sister is a whole another level .

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