Opposites Are Opposites

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Summary : Louis likes dark clothes and tattoos , his hair coloured red and he has quite a few piercings . Harry wears colourful clothes , likes mascara and lipstick . But the thing is , Harry is a lot scarier than Louis could ever be . Louis is a huge (tiny) sofie , while Harry is a tough , musclar and protective giant .

Enjoy x


Louis was laying on his front in bed , waiting for Harry to finish getting ready . He swung his feet in the air as he sighed in slight boredom , "Come on , Hazza , how hard can it be to choose a shirt ?"

"Shut it , you don't get it because all you wear is black , gray and red ." Harry rolled his eyes from his place in front of the closet . "I just - I just don't know what to choose ."

"Well then choose something , you know you look good in everything you wear , even if I think it's ugly ." Louis flipped to lie on his back , looking at Harry from upside down .

Harry turned to him with his eyebrows raised . "You think my shirts are ugly ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , playing with his lip ring a little . "Well ..." He started playfully , stopping when Harry walked closer and placed his hands on the bed , looking down at Louis , his eyelashes thick with mascara .

"Well ?" Harry blinked playfully , Louis held back a giggle , "Your shirts are ..."

"Yeah ?" Harry nodded slowly for him to continue .

"They're ... they're interesting ." Louis said , his arms wrapping around his torso . He knew he's in for a play fight for sure .

Harry pouted his lips , "Interesting ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah . Interesting ."

Harry squinted his eyes before jumping into bed , moving to place himself ontop of Louis . Louis squealed and tried rolling away , only to be caged between Harry and the mattress . He threw his head back in laughter when Harry's fingers barely grazed his stomach , being insanely ticklish .

Harry grinned down at him as he tickled him . "Tell me you love my shirts . I know you do , you loooove when I wear crazy weird shirts ."

Louis could barely talk through laughter and giggles , pushing at Harry's hands as much as he could . Harry was grinning down at him , he stopped and looked down at his small boyfriend . "Well ?"

"I love your weird shirts more than I love wearing black ." Louis giggled out , Harry scrunched his nose fondly and leaned down to press his lips to Louis' . Louis cupped his cheeks and smiled before pushing Harry back , "Ew , lipstick ."

Harry purposefully kissed Louis all over his face , making him giggle and turn his head away from him . Harry pecked his lips before getting off him , Louis took a deep breath , "I'll get you back for this !"

"Oh yeah ? How ?" Harry asked , Louis pouted , "I'll think of something ! Just wait ."

"I'll be waiting , surely you'll get me back sooo bad ." Harry teased , blowing him a kiss when Louis gave him the middle finger .


The two went to Starbucks once Harry decided what to wear , their hands linked together . They stood in line together , talking softly to each other , giggling quietly . They could care less about other people staring at them .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now