Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

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Summary : Harry gets his wisdom teeth taken out , and Louis is the assistant who watches over him while his friends are stuck in traffic .

Enjoy x


Harry walked into the clinic and smiled at the receptionist , "Hi , I have an appointment ."

After confirming his appointment information he was told to sit and wait for his name to be called . While he waited , he decided to call Niall .

"Hey Haz , are you at the clinic ?"

"Yeah , i'll be going in any second now . It shouldn't take long , maybe thirty minutes . I'll text you when I go in there ."

"Alright , Li and I got you ."

"Thanks lad , see you . And when you get here don't you dare record anything ."

"Like hell I'm not recording , don't forget the videos you have of me from both the wisdom teeth and the knee surgery ."

Harry grumbled , "Fine , one video and that's it ."

"Funny , aren't you ? I'm making a documentary ." And with that Niall hung up .

Harry huffed and looked up when his name was called , his heart skipping a beat when he saw it was a small guy with the most beautiful blue eyes he'd seen . He was wearing white scrubs and holding a clipboard .

"Harry Styles ?"

Harry stood up , the guy smiled at him , "Follow me ." He turned and walked down the hall , Harry followed him , fleetingly moving his eyes down to look at his small waist and round bum , before looking back up .

The guy brought him into a room , where a doctor was sitting in front of a computer . She smiled at him , "Hello , have a seat . I'm Dr. Johns , this is Louis my assistant ."

Harry smiled and sat down in the chair , trying not to stare at Louis while he moved around the room , preparing everything for the operation .

He sent Niall a quick text saying he was getting started before putting his phone on silent and into his pocket .


Harry woke up dizzy , he was sat on an armchair with a blanket thrown over his body , his phone ringing in his pocket . He hummed , his mouth felt numb and puffy . He fished his phone out of his pocket with a struggle , when the ringing stopped . 

He huffed , when he heard a voice from the entrace of the room , "Is everything alright ?"

He turned his head and smiled when he saw Louis , the assistant . He was about to answer when his phone started ringing again with a facetime call .

"My friendzzz ." He mumbled and fumbled with answering the call , holding the phone too close to his face . "Nialllll ."

"Hey Haz , we're on our way , stuck in traffic . The road is blocked , I think there was a car accident ." 

"Iz fiiine . I'm greaaat ."

"Yeah ? You're feeling good ?"

"Feelin' greaaat ."

"Please tell me someone is there with you and you're not alone ."

Louis walked further into the room , "I'm with him , don't worry . I'm Louis , I'm an assistant here ."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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