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Summary : The world is going through a zombie apocalypse , and you need to do everything to survive . Harry and Louis were separated before everything went down , and now seven months later , they're doing everything to see each other again .

Warning : I write about killing the zombies , so if you're squeamish then I'm so sorry .

Watched all eight seasons of The Walking Dead and I can't wait for the ninth one . I'm obssessed with this show , not kidding . I literally started watching it all over again a day after I finished the eighth season .

Enjoy x


Louis was waddling down the street , looking back to the three walkers gargling and following him , their hands clawed as they were trying to reach him . If he could fight them he would have , if he could run properly he would have , but he just tripped and twisted his ankle , and now he needs to find a safe place to stay at until he heals enough to be on the run again .

He decided to try his luck and walked into one of the houses , his heart beating out of his chest as the sounds of the walkers gargling at him came closer . He threw the door open and quickly shut it behind him , locking it with as quickly as he could with shaking hands .

He stepped back from the door trying to steady his breathing , flinching when the walkers were banging slightly on the door . He sighed out in relief , before he realized he haven't checked if there were any other walkers in the house .

He reached for his knife in his belt , staying quiet for a few seconds before he heard steps coming from his right . He turned and saw two walkers coming his way , he took a deep breath and brought his knife up , stabbing it to the first one's head . As he pulled the knife out , the other walker reached to grab him .

He lifted the knife up and stepped back from being so close to the rotting figure , when he slipped and fell on his back on the rag , with the walker ontop of him . Luckily the bag on his back and the rag softened the fall , only lightly though

He blocked him with one arm , shaking as he tried bringing the knife up to the walker's head , only finding it hard since the walker was fighting him .

His chest heavied and he used all the strengh he had left , forcing the knife into the latter's head , watching as it went limp ontop of his body . He pulled the knife out and sighed in relief , letting his head fall back .

"Gross ." He gagged as blood spilled out on his clothes , he pushed the figure off him and sat up , sighing as he wiped his forehead . He pushed himself to stand up , supporting his bodyweight on one leg . He looked around for something useful , finding a pillow on the couch . He took it with him , going to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat . 

He started opening cabinets , finding most of them empty . He gasped when he opend one of the cabinets , finding a few tin cans untouched in the back . He reached for them and brought them out , stuffing them into his bag .

He was getting tired and needed to find a place to rest , so he walked up the stairs slowly and carefully , his knife still in his hand . He reached the second floor and looked around , all the doors were opened . He figured if there was any other walker in there they would have came out already , so he picked himself a room that looked decent enough to rest in .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now