Wrongly Jealous

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Summary : Louis gets jealous of a friend of Harry's , who's a cheerleader , until he finds out the truth .

It'll be short and cute , enjoy x


Louis just got done with school , he sighed out and walked to the bus station , his phone pressed to his ear as he called Harry .

"Hey , Lou ."

"Hi Haz , I just got done with school . Are you home ?"

"Yeah , you're coming over , right ?"

"Yeah , I might have to stop at home to change though -" Louis was cut off when he heard a bark from the other line . He raised his eyebrows , "What was that ?"

"Oh , it's just a puppy I'm dogsitting ."

Louis chuckled a little , "You're dogsitting ?"

"Yeah , my neighbour across the street is at her cheerleading practice and there's no one home , so she asked me to watch over her puppy ."

Louis face fell a little . "Oh ?"

"Yeah , she's really nice and cute , so I'm helping her out ."

Louis chewed on his bottom lip . "Alright then ."

Harry chuckled , "I know you're getting jealous ."

"I'm not ."

"You are . I know you too well ."

"I'm not jealous . I'll be over at yours in thirty ."

"Alright . I love you ."

"Love you too ."


Louis knocked on Harry's door and crossed his arms , seconds later the door opened revealing Harry holding the cutest puppy in his arms ; a gray Pitbull with blue eyes . "Hi love ." He smiled and leaned in to kiss him before bringing him into the house .

"Hey ." Louis pecked his cheek and took his shoes off , going to the living room with Harry following . "When is your friend done with her practice ?"

Harry laughed softly , "She's about to be here in thirty minutes or so ."

Louis sat on the couch and crossed his legs , bringing a pillow to hug in his arms . "Okay ."

Harry sat next to him , "Meet Bean , the cutest puppy I met . Bean , this is Louis , my lovely boyfriend ." He held the puppy up for Louis , and as much as Louis tried he couldn't resist petting the tiny puppy .

"There we go ." Harry grinned , leaning in to kiss Louis' cheek , "Here , hold him for a little bit , I'll finish making our snacks ."

Louis put the pillow down and took the puppy into his arms , Harry smiled at him before walking into the kitchen .

"What are you making ?" Louis asked as the puppy lied on his chest , petting him softly and cooing .

"Sweet potato chips , cut up veggies and garlic bread ." Harry said from the kitchen , Louis grinned , "I'm already hungry ."

The puppy on his chest lifted it's head and licked under Louis' chin affectionately , Louis giggled and moved away , moving his hand to scratch the puppy's belly . The puppy bit gently on his fingers , making Louis smile down at him .

Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now