Chapter 9 - a grin that made his eyes disappear

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Everyone, especially Namjoon, threw me sceptic looks when they noticed me sitting at our lunch table without any food.
"Are you sick?", came from Hoseok, who was the first one to address the lack of a meal in front of me, which made Namjoon and Jin look at me expectantly, while Jungkook just looked confused.

"I'm just not hungry", I murmured and took a sip from my cup of coffee. I couldn't possibly tell them that I wasn't eating because I was going to get Ramen with Jimin later - an event I was absolutely not anticipating and being excited for all weekend, and which was also not the reason I paid attention to my outfit today.
That would be ridiculous, since it wasn't even a date or anything like that.

"Joonie, call an ambulance! I think he's dying!", Seokjin exclaimed dramatically, prompting his soulmate to immediately take out his phone, looking determined to actually follow the request.

Fucking hell.

"God, I'm really just not hungry."

At that, Hoseok scanned me with furrowed brows.
"I don't believe that. Tell us the truth."

A sigh escaped my lips and I shook my head, very annoyed at my friends.

"Uhm, isn't it because you're eating with Jimin next period?" Jungkook suddenly piped up and looked at me with innocent eyes, smiling, as if he had just helped me.

Oh, if looks could kill, he would've died that very second.

Before I could've even tried to deny any of this, Namjoon excitedly clapped his hands.
"You have a date! Even though you just decided to stop dating 3 months ago! Thats great!"

At that, Hoseok started cackling and hitting his hand against the table.

"Yoongi, the good luck charm strikes again! Lets count how many weeks it takes Jimin to find his soulmate now that you two are gonna date."

After he had said that, Jungkook had a slightly uncomfortable look on his face, but I barely paid any attention to it, because something inside me snapped and I shot Hoseok an evil look.

"It's not a date", I stated, with maybe a little too much venom in my voice and took another sip from my coffee, signalling that this conversation was over.

I could see Hoseok visibly freeze at my words, and he seemed to take the hint, since he quickly changed the topic after that.

Once the others were done eating, I packed my bag and got ready to pick up Jimin at his last period - I had asked him where it was the evening before, so we could walk together from there.

Once I arrived at his room I took out my phone and scrolled through some social media feeds to fill the time until the period was finally over.

When the bell rang I immediately pocketed my phone and looked at the door expectantly, watching the students hurrying out of the room.

After only a few seconds I saw Jimin walk out, right next to a guy I didn't know, animatedly talking to him and laughing - due to the guy saying something funny, I assumed.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and ignored the uncomfortable feeling in my guts as much as I could, while I raised my hand to wave and catch Jimins attention.

The moment his eyes locked with mine his whole face lit up and he hurriedly said goodbye to his classmate, who looked a little taken aback at the speed Jimin left his side - I couldn't hold back the grin sneaking onto my face, yet I didn't know why I was feeling this way.

"Yoongi!", he squeaked - yes, squeaked - and threw himself into my arms, giggling and tickling my nose with the pink fluff that was his hair, making my heart stutter in its tracks.

He looked up at me with a grin that made his eyes disappear and my mouth went dry, while my heart now picked up the kind of speed it normally only had when I sprinted to catch a bus.

"Lets go?"

"Yeah, sure"

Maybe a tiny part of me wished that it was a date, as I glanced down at Jimins covered wrist.

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