Getting Down On One Knee

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**Skilars POV**

Kellin and I went to the park with Jack, Calum, Ariel, and Ashley. We started walking back to Jaydens bus knowing that her and Alex's date has to be over by now. "Do you think they banged?" Ashley asked. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. "Thats gross Ash. Shes a classy woman." I said. "Shes only 16 Ski." Kellin said. I nodded. "Yeah but her birthdays coming up soon." I said.

"What should we get her?" Ariel asked. "An unlimited supply of condoms," Calum said, "we dont have to spend any money on it because we're sponsored by Trojan. And i like a bargain." He said while smiling so it made his eyes squint. "Calum," Ariel said, "I love you very much but what you just said and how you're smiling makes you seem really asian." Ariel said seriously making everyone laugh.  

We made it to the bus and Ashley opened the door to find Alex and Jayden cuddled up on  the couch sleeping. They were under Jaydens black comforter. Jack, who showed no mercy, ripped off the blanket. Thankfully they were clothed. Alex opened his eyes and put a finger over his lips to make us shut up. "Oh thank god they didnt fuck each other." Kellin said. Ashley, Calum. and Jack handed him 20 dollars each. We all laughed and we heard Jayden wake up.

"C'mon Dad 5 more minuets." She mumbled in her sleep. Alex smiled and shook her a bit and she opened her eyes and sat up. "How'd you guys get in here?" she asked. "Well theres this thing called a door. I mean like its a pretty new invention." Calum said sarcastically. "Can it Ching Chong" She said and she threw a pillow at him, hitting him square in the face. We laughed and Ariel giggled quietly so Calum wouldnt notice.

"But seriously everyone was gone and now most of you guys are back like what the fuck how long was i out?" Jayden said resting her head on Alex's shoulder. "About an hour or so." Alex said. "Holy shit and hour sleeping with Jayden and you didnt get horny?!? I spend about 15 minuets with her and i could get a boner!" Ashley said making everyone laugh. "I mean like if i was i guy i'd probably give myself a boner too i guess." Jayden said. "Ashley my penis doesnt need to be fertilized by every girl i see." Alex said. "But it does bend to the left." Jack said. 

**Jaydens POV**

I giggled when Jack said that making Alex blush. I kissed his cheek and smiled. "It doesnt bend. It just... sits... to the left." He said while giggling. His hands intertwined with mine. "Can Alex stay with us Jack?" I asked as i looked up at him. He nodded and said, "He needs to get  some clothes cause we're locking him out." Jack said. "Yes mom." Alex said. I laughed and followed him to his bus.

**Alexs POV**

Todays the day Alex, you're asking her. "Asking her what?" Jayden asked. Fuck did i say that out loud? "Yes you did Alexander." She said while giggling. "Sorry Jay." I said. "So what were you gonna ask me?" She asked while smiling at me. Fuck Alex just tell her. "Uhh.. Do you wanna come to our Bryan Stars interview tomorrow?" I asked her. Fuck that wasnt it. "Sure." She said. "Andddd doyouwannabemygirlfriend?" I said. "What?" She said. "Fucking hell Alex just ask her out!!" Ashley yelled from their tour bus. I giggled and looked at Jayden. (A/N:this is going to be cheesy af watch your cholesterol levels)

I got down on one knee and took her hand. "Jayden Rose Armstrong, it would make me the happiest person on earth, and be my girlfriend?"

**Jaydens POV**

I smiled and nodded. He got up and hugged me. Little did we know there was a whole bunch of fans that saw and they screamed happily. I giggled and pecked his lips. We walked into his bus and went to his bunk to get his clothes.

"That was really cute." I told him. He blushed. "I figured. I had the guys help we with it. You dont know how many times i 'proposed' to Jack and Rian." He said while laughing. I giggled "It was the best thing any ones done for me." He smiled and we walked back to my bus. He set his stuff in my closet and picked me up bridal style. "I am taking you to the park Miss Armstrong." i nodded and kissed his cheek. He walked out of the bus with me still in his arms and we went to the park. It was still bright since it was summer. We made it to the park and sat on the swings.

We started talking about random things. "Did your hand tattoo hurt?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "Did your wrist tattoo hurt?" He asked me. "Nope. I wanna get more." I said. "What do you wanna get?"He asked me. "I wanna get Stay Strong on my collarbone." I said while smiling. He smiled "Lets go do it. I'll pay." "Alex you dont have to." I protested. "I know, but i just want to." I smiled and kissed his cheek. " I swear Alexander you're too crazy."

We walked to the tattoo parlor and went to get the tattoo since Alex knows the tattoo artist.


"Wow Jay, you didnt even flinch." Alex said as we walked to my bus. "I know. I have a high pain tolerance." I said. He kissed my cheek as we walked onto the bus.

"I can sleep on the couch if you want me to Jay." Alex said. I shook my head no. "Dont. My bunk can fit like 4 people. And i really want a cuddle buddy." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. He took his shirt off and changed into pajama pants. I put on his shirt and a pair of spandex on and went into my bunk with him. We got under the covers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

**Authors Note**

Thank you guys for reading and everything. How do you feel about everything? Do you ship Gasktrong or did you ship Jashton or Jandy the most? Im slowly running out of ideas so i need some. You can PM me or kik me at chase_ashtyn. If this chapter gets 10 reads and 10 votes then i'll post the next chapter. Hoped you guys like it.

Oh and sorry for the slow updates and everything. I've been busy with school and my new puppy but i'll try to do at least an hour of writing each day. Dont worry it will get more eventful just wait haha.

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