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Lil walked downstairs only to be met with Ella's "grouch face" as she called.

"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today." Lil mockingly pouted and walked past her.

She sat down at the table and ate the bacon that was already in the middle.

"I saw you." Ella crossed her arms.

"What?" Lil asked confusedly, chewing in between.

"I saw you. With him. That boy." Ella squinted at Lil.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Eleanor." She took another piece of bacon.

"Don't call me that!" Ella stomped and Lil laughed. "And I'm talking about that tattooed, pink person."

She talked about Michael as if he was a parasite, which he was certainly not. He's a person. Lil didn't understand why society thought so disgustingly of people who were expressing themselves and being different.

"Michael?" Lil monotoned.

"Yeah whatever," Ella sat down across from her and ate a piece of toast.

"He's a person that I was talking to, what's so wrong with that? Do you have spies or something because we were no where near this house." Lil was sick of Ella knowing her every move.

"Mom and Dad wouldn't be happy about this..." Ella trailed off as she sat down across the table from Lil.

Lil rolled her eyes. Ella was such a tattletale when it came to who Lil talks to.

But she wanted to keep talking to Michael, he was cool and nice and great in general. Ella could ruin any chance of them talking again.

"If you don't tell Mom and Dad then I won't tell them the sounds I keep hearing from your room." Lil whispered with a smirk plastered on her face.

"What noises?" All the color drained from Ella's face.

"Oh you know, the bed frame hitting my wall and let's not forget the screaming I hear. Are you having night terrors, Ella?"

"You wouldn't dare," Ella whispered hastily.

"What about the condom I fou--" Ella smacked her hand over Lil's mouth.

"Fine! I won't tell Mom and Dad about your friend." Ella huffed as she removed her hand from her mouth.

Lil nodded with a smug look, she loved threatening Ella. "Oh and treat him like a person. Not the gum you stepped on on a hot afternoon."

Ella wrinkled her nose in disgust at Lil's comparison. "That second part was unneeded."

"It was." Lil stated and left the room.


"I wanna be a bottle blonde

I don't know why but I feel conned

I wanna be an idle teen

I wish I hadn't been so clean"

It was like a scene in a movie, watching the foliage pass by and listening to the lyrics.

"Yeah I'd wish I'd been I'd wish I been a teen teen idle

Wish I'd been a prom queen

Fighting for the title

Instead of being 16 I'm burning up a bible

Feeling super super super suicidal"

Lil always listened to the singer of a song intently. Hearing their voice crack a little, the occasional drop in octave, the breath of air they take before each line.

Bus Ride // Michael Clifford AUWhere stories live. Discover now