The Ginyu Force Arrives! Do They Stand A Chance!?

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Four days later

Krillin groaned, "We're just going to have to take a chance, Chidori! We can't waste anymore time. We should be almost there."

"You really think Vegeta won't find us?" she was worried he'd come up on them by happenstance again. They had bad luck, after all. Were they really far enough away?

"You kidding? Not from this distance. We gotta be too far away for him to sense us form this far!"

"Okay then! Let's do it!" If Krillin was confident then why shouldn't she be?

"Alright!" they blasted off and Krillin laughed, "Whooo! At this rate we'll be there in under an hour!"

Meanwhile, though, Vegeta had been carefully sensing for them, using his instincts and whatever patience he had left to wait for them to lower their guard.

But suddenly, he snapped open his eyes and grinned, "It's about damn time"

He stood up and stretched, "I might as well take one ball with me. So maybe if that woman comes and gets these dragon balls, they still wouldn't have all of them." He nodded to himself and picked one up.

Without a second thought, he blasted off towards them.

Chi and Krillin were nearing the mountain where the elder was housed and Krillin laughed, "Look Chidori! There it is! We made it!"

Chidori laughed with him, "HAHAH! Alright! We so got this!"

Their cheer was abrubtly cut short, however, and they both stopped with nothing but fear in their eyes. 

Krillin gulped, "No way! Chidori! It's Vegeta! He found us!"

Chidori shuddered, "You said we were far enough away! What should we do!?"

Krillin breathed in deep and threw his pack to the ground, "You go to the great elders to get stronger! I'll hold off Vegeta for as long as I can!"

"But Krillin-!"

"Chidori, go now!"

"But if you die, I can't do this alone!"

"Don't argue! Just go!" Krillin didn't want to acknowledge her words even if he feared they might be true.

Reluctantly, Chidori did as she was told and flew off as quickly as she could to the great elder's temple. When she reached it, Dende was there waiting for her along with a taller Namek that resembled Piccolo and a much larger Namek that looked very old.

"Um . . . hello? Sirs? My friend said that you could make me stronger? Krillin?"

The great elder Guru chuckled lightly at her light words as Dende led her up to him, "Yes child.  . . ." he breathed deeply with much effort, "He was correct in that assumption. Come here small one and I shall help you. You don't seem to have much time left"

"Wh-what?" but none of them would answer her.

Chidori slowly came forwards to the great elder's side, "My, my" he seemed surprised, "You're no mere Earthling are you? This tremendous latent power. It's astonishing."

Chidori blinked up at him and the guru placed a hand on her head. His touch was odd but it reminded her of Piccolo and her father. Kind . . . if not a bit aloof in the grand scheme of things.

The younger adult Namek snapped his gaze to the outside, "He's here. I'll go distract him from interrupting."

He walked out but just as he did, the Guru released Chidori's latent energy and even she couldn't believe it!

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