Chidori VS Racoome! Goku Arrives to Namek!

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 Vegeta dodged all he could until Recoome came behind him and kicked him deep into the water.

Krillin and Chidori gaped, "Crap"

"Please tell me he'll win. He's gotta win!" Chidori pleaded but Krillin didn't have an answer for her. He really wasn't sure what was going to happen. And if Vegeta lost, then what would they do? It's not like they could get away from them. 

They already expressed their intent on killing Chidori but Krillin wasn't going to let that happen. This was his best friend's daughter for crying out loud! He'd die again before he let these jerks hurt her!

"Everything will be fine Chi" was all Krillin could think to say. Not that it had a calming effect, though, as Vegeta landed another failed blow at the man and was tossed downwards into the ground like a ragdoll.

"Hahahah! You really improved Vegeta but not enough!" the man laughed as he plucked Vegeta out of the ground like a vegetable, "Hhahahahahah!"

Chidori gasped as Vegeta blasted the last chi blast he could at him. Not that he thought it would work. At least it got him to let him go. Vegeta wearily got up, feeling the pain overwhelm him, 'Dammit. At this rate we'll all die! I can't die yet! I have to make myself immortal to defeat Frieza! Dammit it all to hell!'

Recoome laughed at Vegeta's foolishness to get back up and started another attack.

Krillin growled, "Dammit we have no choice. Chidori. Vegeta's about out of juice. We have to help him!"

Chidori couldn't agree more but she wasn't too hopeful "But how?!"

"When that big oaf fires off his attack I want you to grab Vegeta while I land a hit on him as a diversion!"


"Get ready Chidori!"

It was all happening so fast and Chidori stanced ready to save Vegeta. She had to at least try, right?


"Now!" Chidori did as she was told and launched straight at Vegeta, whisking him away from the blast before it could hit while Krillin kicked him on the head, causing Recoome to snap is mouth shut in mid blast.

When that was over, they gazed to where Recoome had directed the blast. Chidori shivered, 'It took out that whole range for miles!'

Vegeta slapped her off of him and managed to stand up, "You idiot! Instead of rescuing me you should have helped your bald headed friend! Now we're all doomed!"

Chidori glared at him and huffed, "Excuse me but we were already screwed. It wouldn't have mattered if I had helped Krillin or not!"

Recoome grinned strangely at Krillin with what little teeth he had left, "Fucking midget. That hurt, you know? Hahah! Now you're gonna pay"

Krillin couldn't even move he was so terrified.

"Burter! Jeice! Mind if I take the runts, too?!"

His team mates grumbled but agreed, "Fine! But you owe us sundaes later!"

"Awesome! Yay!" Recoome laughed, "Alright" he leered at Krillin and suddenly kicked him hard sending him flying.

"Krillin!" Chidori shouted and blasted towards him at his side, "Are you okay!?" he shook him but he was eerily still.

He couldn't even move but he was just able to barely speak to her, "Chi-Chidori. . . ." he whispered, "I . . I can't even . . I think he broke all of my bones in that o-one kick. Pl-please Chi. Run. G-get out of here and h-hide. W-wait for your f-father to get here. R-run."

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