14: Pull the Trigger

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(Kasumi's P.O.V)


My red haired friend dashed from the hospital entrance and ran towards me as I sat in silent stability on the bench just outside in the courtyard. I looked up, but made sure not to move my head too fast.

I only had a few hours of leave before I had to be back in the hospital, so I had to make sure I kept my vertigo in check for as long as possible.

I gazed Kasumi's features, and I could see her eyes were filled with fear.

...that wasn't a good sign.

"What is it?"

She stopped infront of me, panting softly. Her pained eyes met mine as she shook her head.

"I watched them bring him out of surgery through the window in the door."

She swallowed, and that's when I knew.

"Shido-san....he didn't make it."

I stood up fast and grabbed her wrist, pulling her after me as I took off.

"We have to go, now!"

Before I could even understand what I was doing, I was running, willing my dizziness to sleep for just a little longer.


I needed to find Akechi.


(Akechi P.O.V)

I stumbled warily into the apartment kitchen, falling into the stove but still managing to turn on the gas. My shoulder was burning, and blood was dripping all over the floor; spots leading from the front door like breadcrumbs.

....you got me.

"You idiot."

The voice in my head was only a foot behind my back, staring in disgust as I willed my legs to keep me standing. I growled and turned over my opposite, uninjured shoulder.

That bastard. His arms were crossed, just like everytime he'd scolded me back then.

"Fuck off." I snapped, grabbing the largest kitchen knife from the utensil drawer and bringing it to hover over the burning hot stove inlet.

My hands shook. I was losing too much blood.

"That's what you get for attacking me. I always told you not to cross your father, or this kind of thing would ha--"


I yelled into the silence of my kitchen. The figment that barked at me from behind didn't dissapear like I willed him to. He remained, chuckling low in his throat.

"Better focus. You'll pass out soon if you don't."

"You're not even fucking real." I hissed at the haunting apparition, deciding the now glowing orange metal of the blazing hot knife was enough. I moved the metal from the stove and let it hover tortuously close; just a mere inch from my gushing stab wound just above my clavicle. I could feel the heat wafting from the blade;  already starting to sear my skin.

Deep breaths. Just deep breaths.

You've done this before. Cauterize the wound quickly, then it'll be over.

Just...calm down...

Whatever suffering pain I felt had now gone numb. The hole in my shoulder was tender, and leaked blood like water from a broken glass.

Just before I moved the blade closer, I took a hold of the dish towel beside the stove and shoved it into my mouth. I couldn't afford to chip a tooth at this rate.

Real & the Ideal: A Persona 5R Dark Sun Sequel (Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren)Where stories live. Discover now