24| The Instantaneous Cure for Bad Vibes

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24| The Instantaneous Cure for Bad Vibes

THE sign in my hands said ALEXANDRA & DADDY, ready to greet my sister and her long-term boyfriend, aka my beautiful sugar daddy, as soon as they got their baggage and were heading down the escalators in the airport

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THE sign in my hands said ALEXANDRA & DADDY, ready to greet my sister and her long-term boyfriend, aka my beautiful sugar daddy, as soon as they got their baggage and were heading down the escalators in the airport. It was too early to be awake on a Saturday, 7 in the morning precisely, but it wasn't too early to be awake for the arrival of two of my favorite people.

One, the twin I shared a birthday with. Two, the dude who loved my twin (and thus was forced to love me by default).

Cayden made me coffee and then gave me pretty vague directions to the airport, but I told him it was no use because I'd need a GPS anyway. I needed a GPS to get pretty much everywhere, even places I'd been a bunch of times back in California. Still, he gave me vague directions, shoved me out the door, and told me to send pics of Jesse and Alex so he could be extra nosy. I mean, he'd seen pictures of them before, but he insisted he had to see the most current version of two of my favorite people.

Fair enough, I thought.

Of course, they looked the same as I remembered them.

Alex was my sister so obviously she was more than just a familiar face. Though, she'd gotten bangs recently, which was a cute little idea. She looked good with bangs. Gotta cover up that big forehead.

She hated when I made that joke. Even if it was just a joke.

Jesse's hair was darker than it had been before. What was it with these people and changing their hair? But he looked good. Duh. The world would never let me forget it.

They were coming down the escalator and I knew when they spotted me because Alex rolled her eyes and faked looking pissed while Jesse just laughed. Yeah, that was about the reaction I had expected.

I let the sign fall to the ground when Alex and Jesse reached stable ground and they came over to me. I mean, they were walking towards me and then I simultaneously charged at them like a bull or a cow or something, wrapping my arms around both of them and hugging them tightly. I'd never been a bit hugger, but today I totally was. Today, I needed those hugs.

I pulled away and immediately turned to Jesse, and then dove in.

Yep. You bet I went for that kiss. I planted a big, fat, juicy kiss right on the lips of my sisters boyfriend, Jesse goddamn Campbell.

In all fairness, he'd told me he was okay with one kiss. Even if he'd said that over a month ago.

"Tyler, jesus!" Alex groaned.

I pulled away and Jesse looked taken aback, clearly flushed in the face. I tended to have that effect on people.

"I told you I was going to kiss you when I saw you next. For all this shit you've given me," I said, lightly punching his arm. "And I keep my damn promises."

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