35| Bitter Conscious

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35| Bitter Conscious

ALEXANDER came over because he said that meeting somewhere private would be better than the café

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ALEXANDER came over because he said that meeting somewhere private would be better than the café. It made me a little more nervous, so I made some tea for both of us in an attempt to be calm about it all. He came over around 9 in the morning. He sat down on one of the barstools and I quickly got the tea together before sitting and joining him. He set his phone face down on the table and clasped his hands together, fiddling his fingers. I knew how he got when he was nervous, which I honestly hadn't experienced often. He got nervous a couple of times when we dated, but most of the time, he was the put-together Alexander Taylor everybody knew well. I'd never even seen him get a little nervous before a basketball game, even the biggest ones. It kinda blew my mind.

Yet, he was nervous now, sitting across from me in my apartment, supposedly wanting to discuss something important. Which could have been, like, legitimately anything at this point.

I really hoped this wasn't gonna be something about, Hey Tyler, guess what? I still have feelings for you! or I have unresolved emotions towards you that might still classify love, uh... lets date again!

For me, that was the worst-case scenario. Because I'd just completely resolved my feelings for Alexander (which were now non-existent), and I was dating Clay. Clay who was, like, the most perfect person I'd ever met, and the fact that he actually liked me and wanted to date me was amazing. For once since leaving high school, since leaving California in general, and moving to Geoorgia, I was feeling pretty damn good. Not quite on the top of the world, but ...

I was definitely on some sort of cliff. A good cliff. Like when you're climbing a mountain and decide that you're gonna get to the very top, but you want to be a little adventurous, so you climb up a ledge, and when you make it to that ledge, it's this little victory that's kind of amazing. That's what dating Clay felt like. That's where I was at in my life. Not just with Clay, but with his friends who were now mine, the basketball team, school which didn't completely suck ass, and everything was feeling right.

I was on that motherfucking ledge.

"So," I said, when neither of us had made any attempt to end the silence. I sipped my coffee. "How bout that weather?"

Alexander let out a wry, and obviously forced laugh. I knew I was funny, but Alexander was forcing laughter, which meant that it was a legitimate matter. He was really nervous.

God, please don't let it be the love thing ...

Alexander sighed. "To be honest, I don't really know where to begin with this..."

I smirked. "You know, you always used to say that right before things started getting steamy," I joked. Alexander went red and let out that same fake laugh.

"You're still you, and I'm so thankful for it. Just know that if you had made that joke a couple of days ago, I would have been losing it," Alexander said. "I'm just..." He paused, and shook his head, letting his thought disappear with the air.

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