"All this was a misstake. I thought I would get help and be free but I threw myself into another nightmare." My voice barely a whisper.
She have lived through hell but nobody knows.
She's in hiding but from what?
She spends her days in the s...
I woke up in the soft bed and the memories of yesterday came rushing back. Nikolai and Giovanni. The two men that had my world turned up side down in one day. It's still dark outside and I look at the time, 4.20AM. I get up and walk to the bathroom to get s quick shower. I was still in the big ass dress. I qickly showered and got dressed in a matching set of nightwear.
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Feeling hungry I walk out of my room and head down to the kitchen. Strutting to the fridge I open it and hope to find something. Lucky me I find some pie that I take out and close the fridge. I jump in surprise when I come to see Giovanni leaning on the counder.
"Jeez! You scared me!" I whisper yelled.
He chuckled and it sent tingles through my body. I look at him and my eyes widen. I quickly put the pie on the counter and get closer to him.
"Blood! Are you hurt?!" I touch his white shirt that was stained in red.
"No gattina, I'm fine." He shook his head and took a hold of my hands. Looking at him he looks exhausted, his black hair was pointed everywhere and his shirt messy with lazy eyes.
"You're tired." I stated.
He just stared and me and hummed in agreement. I turn to put the pie back into the frige and he stops me by holding my hand.
"Where you going?"
"I'm just going to put the pie back into the fridge." I stepped away and did so.
Walking back to him I take his big hand in mine and walk back upstairs to the room. He just followed me in silence without making a sound. We stopped outside his room and I let go of his hand.
"Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow." Before I could make a move to walk away he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside his room.
It was huge. Much bigger than mine and decorated in dark shades that matches his personality.
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He continued to pull me inside the room while I looked around in awe. Pulling me inside his bathroom I gasped as it looked as amazing. There was a bathtub on one side and a clear shower on the other. I didn't realize I stood gawking with my mouth wide open untill he yanked me closer so I am pressed to his rock hard chest. His face is emotionless and he just stared into my eyes.