"All this was a misstake. I thought I would get help and be free but I threw myself into another nightmare." My voice barely a whisper.
She have lived through hell but nobody knows.
She's in hiding but from what?
She spends her days in the s...
I opened my eyes wide gasping for air. My head is hurting like hell and I can't seem to move my body. Everything is dark and I turn my head to look at the time on my nightstand, 4:12. I sigh and sit up, the bed is drenched in sweat. It happened again. That dream.
*ring ring ring* I snap my head to the right where my phone lays on the nightstand ringing.
"Yes?" I answer in a cold tone.
"It's time to go, I'm there in 30"
I got up and took a quick shower, I got dressed in black highwaisted skinny jeans and a black crop top. My dark wavy hair fell to my back as I let it loose to dry. I took a last look in the mirror and looked into my brown lifeless eyes reminding myself again who I am.
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As I took my leather jacket and suitcase I stepped out of the appartment. I wouldn't call it my home as I never live in the same place for more than 6 months.
Walking out I spot the black tinted Mercedes. I got into the passenger seat and nodded for the car to move.
"So... How we feeling? You nervous?" She spoke.
I looked over at her into her bright blue eyes. The one and only person I trust. I would go as far as to call her my friend.
"No Mia." I replied shortly. The lack of sleep and nightmare didn't help.
I heard her sigh but she kept quiet since she know I'm not in the mood. We got off at the airport and boarded the plane, shortly after more people joined us.
Mia nudged my arm and I hummed in response while I was looking outside the windows.
"Jen, get some sleep. I will wake you when we get there"
I nodded and let myself fall into slumber hoping that the nightmare doesn't come to me again.
15 hours later
"Jen. Jen! Wake up! We're soon landing" I almost groaned when hearing Mias high pitched voice.
"How's everything coming along?" I asked her.
"Everything is ready. The meeting tonight is at The Saraceno." She is rolling her thumbs and I can see she is nervous and I know why.
Without answering we wait for the plane to land. We got to the hotel Grandiosa in waiting for tonight.
I looked at the time and it's 17:05. I got up from the bed and started to get ready. The black satin dress hugged my curves and sat on me like a second skin.
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