36. His Truth

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Nikolai POV

I walked out of the room giving her some space. I felt a jab in my chest when she asked me if I really knew her. My world used to revolve around her. Her likes and dislikes.

Sighing I walked over to my office where the italian bastard who did the job for us bringing Genniya here. Opening the door I see 2 people one whom I know is Ivan sitting on the chairs across from my desk with their backs to me. As soon as they hear the door open they stand up.

I walk around the table and take a seat in my chair. Taking out my cigarr I clip it and lit it up taking a big drag and fill my lungs with its toxics. My eyes look up and I meet Ivan with my gaze then moved it to the italian.

I broke out a smirk when seeing him and nodded for them to sit.

"Marco, long time no see." I spoke with humor.

"Yes boss." He spoke with respect and smirked back at me.

Marco has been in our family since he was young. He's  half russian and half italian. His father who was russian was in my father's inner circle of trusted men.

"How was Italy the last 10 years?"

"Horrible." His face scunched up in disgust making me chuckle.

"Boss, we got all the inside information about the Italians." Ivan spoke making me laugh pleased.

"Well you did well. Welcome back Marco." I spoke seriously.

His eyes snapped up at me in surprise and I knew what he was thinking.

"You're not sending me back?" He asked confused.

"You're done Marco. It's time to be with your own people now. We took welk care of your sisters while you were gone. They miss you."

A sincere smile broke out of his face and he stood up bowing to me. "Thank you sir!"

"Go meet your family." I dismissed and waved my hand.

"Yes sir! Thank you!" He quickly bowed again and walked out of the room.

I looked at Ivan again and we both chuckled at his behaviour.

"How's she?" Ivan suddenly asked making my smirk drop.

"I don't know." My grip around the whiskey glass tightend.

"What is she doing now?" He continued.

I turned and turned on the TV revealing the camera in my room. We see her sit still on my bed in deep thoughts.

What are you thinking about moya plamya? (My flame)

Before any other thoughts could cross my mind we see the door of my room open and Mira steps in.

"Ivan." I say sternly and he is already up and on his way to my room.

I lean back in my chair watching the scene unfold. My fists clenched when I saw Mira ontop of Genniya strangling her speaking jibberish.

I instantly relaxed when I saw Ivan pull Mira off him. Turning the volume up I hear their conversation.

I saw red when I her Ivan reveal of Mira torturing Genniya at the training facility. The glass in my hand broke in pieces piercing my palm at impact.

What the fuck?!

Rushing out of my office I head straight to my room slammimg the door open. Anger wasn't a word to describe how I felt. I was beyone furious. My sweet sister betrayed me and hurt the woman I love, my best friend someone I see as my brother betrayed me by keeping it a secret. I instantly glared straight at Mira and all I wanted was to kill someone.

"MIRA!" My voice came out booming through the room.

All three of them flinched when hearing me.
Fear flashed by Miras eyes and her lips started trembling.

"Starshiy brat." (Big brother) Her voice came out in a whisper.

My nose flared and I took long strides towards her stopping right infront of her grabbing her neck. It took everything in me not to snap her neck. I held her neck in my hand but not hard, allowing her to still breathe while she looked at me fear evident in her face.

"B-brother listen to me." She put her hand on my wrist and I tightend my hold making her gasp scared. "She-She attacked me first!" She cried still trying to play innocent.

I wanted to believe her, I've always seen her as my sweet innocent baby sister who couldn't do any harm. I let her be spoiled because our mother died in early years but this? This betrayal hurt me, angered me.

A wicked smile appeared on my face and I saw her eyes widened in surprise and she was now struggling to get free. She was terrified.

"Sestra. Ty dumayesh' ya durak?" (Sister. Do you take me for a fool?) I asked her inching closer narrowing my eyes on her.

She shook her head while tears wer her cheeks.

"Nikolai! Please! Let her go!" Ivan pleaded from my right and I turned my glare at him.

"You." I hissed. "You betrayed me!"
I let go of Mira and she fell on the floor with a thud. I walked over to Ivan and clenched my fist throwing a punch on his jaw.

He flew back and hit the floor. Blood seeped down his mouth and Mira screamed running to him. Seeing them all I wanted to do was kill them.

"I left Genniya in your care to protect her Ivan!" I roared and he flinched at my tone. Taking a step forward. "And what did you do?" I asked him as I took another step.

I looked down on him and felt my blood boil.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I kicked him on his torso and I heard a bone crack and he groaned in agony.

"Please brother! Please stop!" Mira sobbed and covered Ivan with her body.

My body shook and I felt myself loose control. The people who I trust and care about betrayed me. Hurt the person I love. I don't take lightly on betrayal. I put my hand back and was about to pull out my gun from my slacks.

"Nik." Her voice was barely a whisper but I could hear it as clear as day.

I turn my head and look at Genniya, a vave of calmness wash over me. Her brows furrowed and I forgot how this must've felt for her. To go through all that alone while I was working. While I promised to protect her and care for her.

Putting the gun back I turn my back on them.

"Get out. I don't want to see your faces." I gritted out without looking at them.

My attention was on Genniya and she stared back at me. Slowly I took steps to her and sat down on the side of the bed taking her hand. When she flinched my heart ached.

"I would never hurt you." I spoke with honesty.

"You have already." her voice timid.

The words got stuck in my throat knowing she is right. I did hurt her, that one time was all it took. I saw it in her eyes that she was no longer mine and that I no longer held her love. I felt ny heart break in a milion pieces.

"Genniya." I spoke lowly making her look up from gazing at our hands.

I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her lips hoping to find hope in us.


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