32. Blockage

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Giovanni POV

Ruthless. Bloody ruthless. Cold, powerful and fierce. I stand before the limp body of Nikolai sister. Still feeling goosebumps on my neck from Jen's change of attitude a moment ago. Just thinking about her holding the knife skillfully and eyes filled with blood lust made my cock twich in my pants. She's so fucking hot.

Taking my phone out I dial Angelo.

"Don." He answered on the other side.

"Send Nikolai's sister back to him as a message." I ordered.

"Is she still alive?"


"Si boss." (Yes).

I ended the call and walked out of the cellar back to my room. Stripping off my clothes I get into the shower and let the cold water fall over me. I can't stop thinking about her.

My father have always taught me that love makes you weak. That's what Mama did to him, made him weak.

That day when Angelo called and informed that Jen was secretly meeting the russian Don I lost it thinking she was going back to him. Leaving me.
I told Angelo to aim at Jen in a knowing Nikolai will protect her. If he takes a bullet for her then I can use it to take down the russians once and for all.

I can't let a mere woman distract me from my duties, my revenge for ny father and brother.

Me? Love? Never going to happen.

Walking out of the shower I dry myself and quickly get dressed for a meeting. Putting on my suit jacket there came knocks on the door.

 Putting on my suit jacket there came knocks on the door

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"What?!" I yelled out.

The door opened and Alessa stepped into my room looking like she want to talk.
Irritation bubbled in me at the sight of her.

Don't get me wrong, I love my sister but she's an annoying brat who always want to bother me with unneccesary conversations.

"Not now Sorella. I have a meeting to attend." (Sister)

"Wellll brother. I just want to have a conversation about my dear friends."

"I said not now!"

"You can't hurt Jen! She's not one of your whores! You can't use her like that!" Alessa raised her voice at me. See? A brat.

Taking fast strides at her I wrap my hand around her throat and push her to the wall.

"Fucking listen to me! I do what I want with whoever I want! Don't forget who I am just because we're family!" I yelled in her face.

"Family don't treat eachother this way!" She yelled back at me.

I released her from my grip and she fell on the ground gasping for air.

"Leave Alessa. I don't fucking have time for your bratty ass!"

She got up and glared at me before she sprinted out of my room.

Alessas words rang in my mind and my chest tightens. Do I want Jen?


"Fuck!" I punch the door and it cracks.


Nikolai POV

I woke up in my bed back in Russia 6 days after the shooting with a bullet wound on my torso.
The bullet wound didn't hurt, what hurt was the thought of her hating me so much that she would conspire with the italians to kill me.

I replayed out meeting over and over again in my head. When my hand met hers it felt as if sparks went through my body. I love her so much but I've done her so wrong. She has the right to hate me.

"Boss" I hear Ivan's voice outside my door folkowed by knocking.

Sitting up in my bed I tell him to come in.

"Sir. Genniya called."

My attention turned to him.

"She asked about her parents..." he was quiet for a moment. "She knows sir."

Fuck! It gets worse and worse. She was never supposed to know they sold her, it would've broken her. When she turned 18 I would marry her and let her know of their existence. Clenching my fist I feel fustration build up.

"She also said she will be sending a gift."

I raised an eyebrow at him and Ivan looked like there was more he wanted to say. "And?"

"Sir." He spoke with certainty. "She sounded furious."

"Get out Ivan."


1 week later

I sat in my office going through my plan of attack on the italians with my best men when a guard Rivo barged in.
I pulled out my gun at him and he stopped in his tracks eyes filled with fear.

"Suka, you better have a good reason barging into my office like it's your playground!"
(Bitch) My voice boomed and he flinched.

"B-boss! It's miss M-Mira!" He stuttered.

Everyone quickly got out of their chairs and we rushed out to the entrance where she layed on a stretcher.

I looked at my babysister who layed there pale, dirty and wounded. Walkng to her I crouch down and move hair out of her face. My eyes widened and I hear my men gasp behind me. Her beautiful porclain face had a huge cut across her cheek thar surely will leave an ugly scar.

"Mira mladshaya sestra. Prosnut'sya." (Baby sister, wake up.) I take my hand and stroke her hair.

She stirred and her eyes fluttered open. As soon as she was concious her brows furrowed in pain and she groaned hoarsely.

"Did the italians do this to you?" I asked softly.

"Genniya." She breathed out in pain and lifted her hand to her cheek sobbing. "Brother she did this, without any reasons!."

Fury burned in my chest as the thought of my love would hurt my family like this. How could she do this?!

"Get her Ivan. I want her back. I don't care how you do it! GET HER!" I yelled loudly feeling every inch of my body in anger.

Hurting me is one thing but hurting my family without a reason is not acceptable no matter if I love you or not. I looked down at my poor sister with teary eyes.

"I will get you revenge Mira."


What do you think of Mira?
Why do you think she is this way?

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