"All this was a misstake. I thought I would get help and be free but I threw myself into another nightmare." My voice barely a whisper.
She have lived through hell but nobody knows.
She's in hiding but from what?
She spends her days in the s...
I walked behind Giovanni down the cellar and we stopped infront of a steel door with a white number 4 on it. We stood outside the door for a moment and I felt his hand on the small of my back warming me up. Taking a deep breath I opened the door to a dark room. It was damp and a small dim light lit up when we walked in. I spot Mira chained to a chair with her body slumped forwards.
Her normally white ashy hair is now brown and red from blood and stuck to her face. I think I can guess whose blood was on his shirt the other night, they really did a number on her and it shows. Bruised face, cuts on legs and arms. I walked closer and she opened her eyes and her grey orbs stared into mine without any emotions. She wasn't suprised to see me and after a while her busted lip pulled up in a evil grin.
"Sleeping with the enemy are we?" Her voice was hoarse and dry like the desert.
"Mira." I breathed out.
"Shlyukha." (Whore) she spit at me.
My blood boiled and fists clenched. I knew she never liked me in the past and always put me in difficult situations with Nikolai. Shaking off the thought I glare at her.
"Tell me about my parents. Did Nikolai know?" My voice calm and collected.
She threw her head back and her laugh boomed through the cellar and echoed.
"Your parents sold you as a whore! Nikolai knew, he only wanted to use you as a gain for our Mafia. Did you think he really loved you?" She continued laughing like a maniac. "He was ordered to make you fall inlove with him! It was fake! To make you ambitious and work harder. To make you the machine we needed! You're nothing but something we use to succeed!"
Standing there listening to her I felt my heart drop and blood boil. My heart refuses to believe Nikolai would use me but everything he's done in the past showed it to be possible. I closed my eyes taking deep breaths. Something inside me snapped when I opened my eyes again. Leaning forward I put my face mere inches from hers and smirked.
"Mira, Mira, Mira." I whispered evilly. Her laugh instantly stopped and she looked at me in fear. "Have you forgotten that all that training did me well also?"
Putting my hand above her thigh where I know she have been cut I put my nails on her wound and dig my nails in, her soulwrecking scream echoed in the room. My smile got wider and a familiar dark feeling washed over me, the thirst for pain and blood that they trained me to have is slowly coming back.
"Suka blyat!" (Fucking bitch) she yelled on top of her lungs.
"Oh Mira. Is it hurting?" I grabbed her thigh tighter, red warm blood oozing out between my fingers. "You were so tough just a moment ago. Now don't stop. Tell me more." I taunted her.
"You fucking crazy ass bitch!"
"Yeah, I guess I am crazy. After all that's what you guys taught me." I laughed a humorless laugh.
Turning around I walk to a wall with torture devices and find a knife and pick it up feeling the heavy cold metal on my hand.
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I turn to her and looked her coldly in the eyes, fear and pain showed all over her face.
"It's just right to get payback for the torture you did to me in the past right?" I put the blade to her throat and pressed it lightly, a whimper came from her mouth.
"Jen." Giovanni spoke from behind me unfazed. "We need her alive." He informed.
"Fine." I sighed and I saw a hint of relief in her eyes.
Instead I lifted the blade to her cheek and she flinched at contact.
"How about we send you back to your dearest brother?" She looked at me unsure of if she should answer or not. "You don't need your pretty little face anymore though. Glaz za glaz Mira." (An eye for an eye Mira)
I pressed the blade harder on her cheek untill it drew blood seeping down her cheek and her screamimg continued. I felt no remorse, no regret, nothing.
"Tell me Mira. Do you know who killed my dear old neighbor back in New York?" Anger flashed through my eyes.
Mids screaming a small chuckle errupted from her. "I did. That old bitch kept insisting she don't know where you are." She spit on my face with the little energy she had left.
Wiping off the spit on my cheek I took the knife and stabbed her other thigh. All while screaming loudly. "Lies!!" I yelled in her face.
"Livvy! The old bitch's name!" She sobbed, tears now streaming down her face.
My hand twisted the knife in her leg and she cried in agony. Her cry and scream made me feel some kind of relief. Stepping away from her I turned around at Giovanni.
"Send her back." I paused and looked over my shoulder, her body was shaking and shivering from pain. "Please send her back."
I walked past him out of the cold cellar and went straight back to my room. Walking to my bed I took out the phone from under the bed. Dialing a number that instantly picked up.
"Chto?" (What?) Ivan spoke tierdly.
"Sestra." (Sister) His voice no longer tired.
"Is he okay?" I asked calmly.
There was a moment of silence then folkowed by a sigh. "Da." (Yes)
"Skazhi mne brat. Did you know about my alive parents?" (Tell me Brother)
"Wh-what?" His reply answered my question.
"I see. So you all knew except from me." I took a moment to calm myself. "Expect a gift from me soon brother. Oh and tell Nik I said hello."
I ended the call and flopped down the bed looking up the ceeling.
You did me wrong over and over Nikolai. I'm coming for you.
How did you feel about this side of Jen?
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