30. Again

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Sorry for late update! I was hospitalized because of angina so I haven't felt well enough to write ❕❕



I woke up clutching the sheets my whole body trembling. Sweat ran down my forehead and I felt cold. It's been a week since the incident and I've been locked away in this room since then. Not wanting to meet anyone or more specific not wanting to meet Giovanni.

Ever since I came here I never had those nightmares of running away but since a week ago they came back. I no longer dream of the hurt Nik causee me but more about my fear for Giovanni. I have never seen him so angry, so furious since the first time he took me.

Looking at the time I see that it's 8:23AM. Sighing I sit up and look towards the door knowing she soon will knock on it. Alessa have been coming everyday at 8:30AM for a week asking me to join them for breakfast which I refuse so she asks a maid to send me breakfast instead.

I get out of bed and stroll to the bathroom looking in the mirror. My cheek is no longer blue and the bruise is slowly turning yellow.
I pick up some makeup and put it on my face to cover the light bruise from his slaps.

Right on time I heard knocks on the door and went to open. Alessas surprised blue eyes met mine and she gasped.

"Oh my god Finally! I haven't seen you for a week!" She yelled.

"Breakfast?" I asked calmly.

"Yes! Join us? Please? Mia have been acting wierd lately too! Please?!" She whined.

"Ok. I'll see you there. I'll go get Mia."

I walked out of my room to Mias and knocked lightly. It was quiet and I was about to knock again when she opened, her usually sparkly blue eyes now looked dull.

"Hi." She spoke lowly not seeming surprised to see me.

"Breakfast?" I asked knowing that if anything is wrong she would tell me herself.

Nodding she walked out of the room with me.


As soon as we walked into the diner everything went silent. We walked in and sat in our regular seat, Mia next to Alessa and me between Mia and Marco. Feeling eyes burn the side of my head I know he is staring at me but I only poke on my food not wanting to meet his eyes. Shivers fell down my spine.

"Hey, long time no see." I hear Marcos gentle voice beside me.

I glance at him and feel something different. He looked tired, like he been overworking with bags under his eyes. His usually pushed back hair was undid and fell over his eyes.

"Hi. Yeah you been busy?" I ask casually.

He grunted and nodded.
We continued eating in peace, I minded my own bussnies. What got me curious is that Mias and Alessas usual chatter wasn't there. Mia was also eating quietly while Alessa spoke with her brothers.

"Sir." A guard came in with a file and gave it to Giovanni.

He opened it and furrowed his brows when looking at the information inside. I realized I was staring at him when he looked up and our eyes met. His was in confusion and mine? I felt fear but hid it well.

"You." Giovanni spoke as he pointed to me. "My office. Now."

As soon as his comand left his mouth he got up and walked out. I sat there contenplating what to do and remembered what happened a few weeks ago. Getting up I followed after him.

Standing outside his office I feel my hands shake. I haven't had a proper conversation with him since a week ago and I don't even know what I am doing here. With shaky hands I knock on the door and hear his rough voice saying "come in."

Walking in I see him sitting behind his desk with the file in his hand. His gaze followed my every move when I got closer to his desk. He motioned for me to sit down which I do.
He walked around his desk carrying the file and sat in the hair beside me.

"How are you?" He asked softly looking at me.

His hand reached for my cheek to which I flinched and fear came across my eyes, when seeing this his hand dropped and eyes showed a hint of hurt that he quickly masked

"You're scared of me gattina?" (Kitten) It sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Why did you want me here?" I asked him calm trying not to be weak infront of him.

"How are you? Did it bruise" He asked again this time his voice angry.

When I didn't reply he put his hand on my cheek gently and I quickly closed my eyes thinking he's going to hit me again. Feeling soft strokes on the cheek that he hit a week ago I squirmed in discomfort.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper that day." He continued but his voice sounded anything but sincere

I looked at him with a passive look and still didn't say anything, scared to tick him off.

Sighing when he didn't get a reply, Giovanni looked at me with hesitant eyes but slowly handed me the file he carried.

"Your parents..." When he spoke I froze.
"Your parents are alive Jen."

I stare at the now open file and see 2 very familiar faces. My fingers traced over the picture of my mother and father laughing.


"These pictures were taken a week ago. According to the information they never died. They sold you to the russian mob and you were manipulated to think they're dead."

A rush of thoughts swirled in my head. I know I saw them die in the crash. Didn't I? Who was it that died in that car crash? Did Nikolak know? He wouldn't keep it from me. Would he?

"He knew." Giovanni answered my unasked question. "His sister, she knew."

Everything stopped. If Mira knew then Nikolai definitely knew. I picked up the file and threw it across the room and glared at Giovanni.

"Why?! Why are you showing me this?!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me unfazed by my outburst.
"If you don't believe me you can ask his sister yourself."

Thats when I remembered that they took her. I sat on my bed thinking about it looking down on my hands. Did he know?

"Take me to her."


Her parents are still alive?!
How do you think Jen and Mira's meeting will go?

Thank you for reading and PLEASE comment and VOTE!

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