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"The fuck do you mean this is the musical. What're you crazy, Robert?" A man with curly hair laughed, lowering a chopstick that he was holding.

Robert frowned. "You're one to talk, Jeff. You were going to fight against a gun with chopsticks." He lowered his arm and stared at

(Y/n), who still had her gun pointed at the group. "We're not going to hurt you. You can lower the gun now."

A harsh laugh escaped the woman's mouth. "As if. You're all crazy. The only thing that's gonna be a musical is this Earth! And I have a feeling that you're all a part of it."

The group exchanged looks. "Why do you think we're a part of it?" Joey asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Is it because we came out of a theater that actually..." he paused and turned around. "Well damn, that place is worn out. Anyway..."

"That's exactly why you could be a part of this." (Y/n) replied, pointing her gun directly at Joey. "I would ask you to sing a song, but we don't exactly have the time for that." She sighed and lowered the gun, shoving it in her pocket.

"You're all coming with me, whether you like it or not. This place isn't exactly safe anymore... it's only a matter of time before they hit the streets..."


"Jeff, did you ever make a character like her?" Mariah asked quietly. They were walking behind (Y/n), but since the woman had a gun, none of them wanted to take their chances talking loudly to one another. That would also just be plain stupid.

"She would've been on stage if I did, Mariah." He whispered back. "But this is also another world, so there could be extras..."

(Y/n) tilted her head. She had been listening to all of their conversations, and her theory of them being nut jobs was both becoming real and becoming a simple theory. "You know... whispering is much louder than regular talking. I can hear you."

The group became silent again. They weren't all that interested in pissing off someone that could kill someone in an instant. But, someone had to be the pants in the situation.

Robert speed-walked forward until he was walking next to (Y/n). "So... where exactly are you taking us?" She didn't answer. "Okay... can you at least tell me your name?"

"(Y/n)." She replied quickly. "And you're... Robert, right?" Robert nodded. "The Professor isn't exactly going to like me bringing a bunch of people back to his lab... and the streets might start becoming chaotic..." (Y/n) spoke quietly to herself, though Robert was right next to her and staring as she mumbled. "House is big enough for nine people..." She clapped her hands together and pivoted her right foot, stopping the group behind her. "Alright, folks! Change of plans! We're going away from downtown to a small neighborhood."

Everyone groaned. Downtown was right in front of them. Now, Starkid had to go around it. Though they knew what was happening downtown, they had been walking for quite some time.

"Oh, quit your whining. It's only another three miles to get to my neighborhood." (Y/n) rolled her eyes and turned back around. She pulled out a flip-phone and pressed on the one contact that had been saved. "I'll fill you in later, but we're all making a pit stop at my house for the night... no, as far as I know, they're completely human... but they're not from around here... yeah, yeah, I'll be safe."

Mariah stared at the flip-phone, wearing a funny expression. "Is that the only phone you have?"

(Y/n) turned around and glared at her as she shoved it into her left pocket. "Keep insulting me, and you're gonna lose a foot. Now, hop to it. I'd like to get away from here before anything else decides to hit."

It's Not Just A Story (Robert Manion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now