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One minute wasn't enough for Starkid. They had so much to discuss in such little time. Were they supposed to spill who they were and the truth? They knew everything about what would happen in Hatchetfield, that they created this world themselves?

"Tick tock. Tick tock." (Y/n) tapped her fingers against the counter, looking at Jack Bauer. "Time's running out, y'all."

Mariah looked at her friends. "Should we? We could ruin everything about this?" She looked at Jack Bauer's dog bowl, which was now empty.

(Y/n) sighed. "Alright, time's up." She picked her gun back up and aimed it at the group. "What's your story?"

The group looked at one another, still not knowing what to say. They all expected Jeff to step forward, but to their surprise... it was Robert.

The Australian stepped in front of the group, shielding them. "Would you lower the gun first? I wouldn't want your finger to accidentally slip and shoot one of us." His tone sounded as if he was joking, trying to bring light to the situation, but he was serious.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. They were in no place to make 'demands' or try to do anything. "It's on its safe catch... you'd be crazy to think I'd actually shoot anyone." She mumbled the last bit. "Please continue. I'd rather not have my husband come home to a bunch of strangers in his living room. He's one to shoot people."

Robert looked at his friends. "We're... not exactly from here." He was being cautious with his words, but he knew that if he kept it that way... they wouldn't get anywhere. "From another..." He sighed. He wasn't going to get anywhere. "We're from another world, a world where Hatchetfield doesn't exist. This town is made up." His friends widened their eyes, giving him a look of 'What the hell is wrong with you?!'

The kitchen grew silent. Starkid was waiting for (Y/n) to snap, call them crazy, or shoot them. But instead of doing so, she started to laugh.

It was all to a point where (Y/n) was almost on the floor. She was leaning over the counter, her face becoming red from laughing too hard. Robert looked at his friends, shrugging his shoulders when they asked what he did.

"Oh, that is the funniest shit anyone has ever said to me." She wiped her eyes and set her gun on the counter. "This world's not real. Robert, you're a riot!" Jack Bauer whined next to her. One thing that he hadn't seen before was his owner laugh. (Y/n) quickly regained her composure and straightened her face. "Please. If this world isn't real, then how the hell did you get here? Or is this all just one big fucked up dream?"

(Y/n) took her phone out of her pocket when the xylophone ringtone echoed through the room. Her face fell at the caller id, but she couldn't bother to answer. "Look, y'all can't just tell me that shit just to get out of this." Her expression hardened. "The truth. And hurry it up. My patience has grown thin."

"He's telling the truth!" Jeff moved next to his friend. "This whole place is all a part of a musical that we were in! Even the apocalyptic part!" The rest of the group nodded.

"A musical?" Venom dripped from (Y/n)'s tone at the sick word. "So, let's say that I believe you... you're telling me that you started this?"

It sounded bad. Very bad. Jeff looked down at the floor guiltily. If this was just a rip off of their world... if the musical didn't exist... perhaps this world wouldn't either.

"Yes," Jeff nodded. "This was just mere entertainment for other people. We didn't know that anything would be real. This... none of this should be... well... real."

(Y/n) pursed her lips and looked down at Jack Bauer, who was lying on the floor with a sad expression. His mood always followed whatever energy was in the air. "Everyone here... is just a figment of your musical? That's what you're telling me?"

The group looked at one another. No one named (Y/n) was ever in their musical. It was strange to even talk to her. They didn't know what to do if she snapped. She could be a hidden antagonist for all they knew.

"Everyone..." Robert replied. "Hatchetfield too. And this whole musical-apocalypse." Except you, he added in his mind. (Y/n) No-Last-Name didn't exist in the script. "We performed it not too long ago..."

(Y/n) looked at them with glossy eyes. Her emotions were mixed. Anger and sadness were beginning to cloud her judgment. She wasn't supposed to exist. Her husband wasn't supposed to exist. Professor Hidgens wasn't supposed to exist.

"So... you know what's happening to our fake world. Therefore, you should be able to stop it." Her voice was breaking. The whole 'Fuck you, I'm strong enough to take all of this in' mask had become nonexistent. "Will you stop it? So we can all go back to our miserable fake lives?"

Starkid glanced at one another. Should they save it? The world could fall due to their hand, or they could help wrong back to its semi-normal way.

It's Not Just A Story (Robert Manion x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now