Epilogue 2

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"They know I'm thankful... and that's what matters..."

Robert's head lifted, and his hazel eyes rested upon a pair of (e/c) ones. "Wait..." Everyone gave him a funny look. Why wait to go home? "Just... just give me a moment... please."

The hula-hoop was carefully placed onto the floor once again. In the moments of wanting to go home, Robert realized that home wouldn't be home to him, not with the small hole that had been created in his heart.

(Y/n) lifted her gaze from the hardwood floor when a hand brushed against her own. "What do you want? If you've come to say goodbye, I don't do too well with those. So just-"

"Come with me."

The room grew silent. It was such a clique phrase to put out in such a clique situation, but there was no other way to let it out.

The (h/c) haired woman opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it, trying to form together words could be shot back. "T-That's a bold demand." Not quite the shot, but the message was clear enough.

Robert shook his head, taking (Y/n)'s hands. "It wasn't a demand." He watched the woman's eyebrows crease in confusion or frustration. "If it was a demand, I would've taken you already, and we'd both be in my world. It's a request."

Professor Hidgens kicked his student's ankle. "She'll go with you." (Y/n) glared at her now only friend. "What? It's what you want, and you damn well know that. Why are you hesitating?"

"What about my family and friends? How would I be able to talk to you? And school is a big deal too!"

(Y/n)'s voice had risen to a shout, but everyone had gone to their own conversations in an attempt to not accidentally butt into the fight. "What about Jack Bauer?"

The professor sighed. "You haven't spoken to your family in nine months (Y/n). And you won't be able to talk to me, and that's fine."

He grabbed his friend's shoulders and stared down at her, his stormy grey eyes filled with determination. "You can make new friends, friends that aren't sixty years old- friends your age.

"And school, you shouldn't be too worried about that. You're the smartest fucking pupil in any of my classes-" he ignored Emma's glare.

"You'll get anywhere if you look and try!" A sad smile formed on his lips. "And Jack Bauer... he can go with you." He shot a look to the cast, who immediately nodded.

"You'll be fine in the other world... you'll be happier."

Tears started to form in (Y/n)'s eyes. She let go of Robert's hands and wrapped her arms around the professor. "T-Thank you, Henry... I'll... I'll never f-forget you." It was what she wanted, and to realize that, she needed someone to rant about what she could have and not what she would leave behind.

(Y/n) placed her thumb on the hoola-hoop and quickly teleport to her home. Jack Bauer barked loudly and jumped onto his owner, forcing a laugh out.

"Alright, Jack Bauer, it's time for a new chapter in our lives..." The German shepherd tilted his head. "A new chapter with people that will be here for us..." She made sure a strong grip was put upon Jack Bauer before pressing a button and appearing back at the lab.

Professor Hidgens smiled as the dog approached him. "Good luck, Jack Bauer." When (Y/n) wasn't looking, he gave the pup a treat and ruffled his fur. His knees popped when he crouched down to meet the dog's eyes.

"Take care of her..." Jack Bauer licked his face one last time.

"Jack Bauer, come!" (Y/n) made sure that she had a strong grip on her dog's collar. "Goodbye, Henry." She gave the older man a big smile, a tear trailing down her cheek in the process.

"Goodbye, (Y/n)..." The professor whispered as his only friend disappeared from the lab.

-Three years later-

"Robert! Toss me my keys!" (Y/n) called from the driveway, keeping one hand on the driver side's handle. A small box was thrown in her direction, finding itself in her hands. "I said my keys," she grumbled.

"I thought you said engagement ring!" Robert called back from the doorway with a big smile.

(Y/n) frowned and stared down at the box. "Why the fuck would I say-" she paused and immediately opened the box. "Oh my god..." tears formed in her eyes as Robert made his way over to the car. "You just had to be dramatic about it."

Robert cheekily smiled and took the box from her hands, getting down on one knee. "You've known me for three, love. You should've known that I'd be dramatic about this." He sighed then quickly formed the big smile once more. "(Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?"

"Yes, a thousand times yes!" (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Robert's neck and roughly kissed his lips, ignoring the velvet box that had landed in the grass. "I love you, Robert Manion."

Robert chuckled and pulled away to grab the box. He slowly put the ring on her finger. "And I you, (Y/n) (L/n)."

For those of you who have just recently finished this story, the sequel is on UltimateNosebleed's profile.

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