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The first few moments of (Y/n) and Robert being alone were spend in silence. Neither knew what to say to the other. But on the inside, both felt as if the silence was unsettling and needed to be broken.

"Thank you..." Robert lifted his head from his chin and stared at the (h/c) haired woman next to him.

"For... when John was there. I-I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't stepped in." Her voice had dropped to a whisper like the topic was not something to discuss.

Robert smiled and scooted closer to (Y/n), who moved her head to his shoulder. Silent sobs followed. "(Y/n)... it's..." he paused. It wasn't alright, was it? "It's going to be alright..." Without thinking, Robert pressed his lips to her temple.

(Y/n) lifted her head from his shoulder. Her cheeks were dusted pink, and not because of the tears streaming down them. Robert had begun to edge away from her after realizing what he had done. To his shock, (Y/n) pulled him back and rested her head back on his shoulder, taking one of his hands in hers while doing so.

The situation before they felt like a clique. Something bad happens to the girl, then a guy shows up and comforts her. That was a happy ending, just not the one that was being written for them.

"Robert! (Y/n)-" Lauren stopped mid-sentence when she saw her friend holding a finger to his lips and pointing at the sleeping woman beside him. "Oh... sorry..." her voice dropped to a whisper. "The meteor's destroyer, and there's no evidence that any of the characters that survive in the musical are, well, alive. You guys did it!"


Joey hotwired a van that had been out in the open and helped everyone into it. They no longer had needed to walk, as the situation was safe enough to be freely out in the open.

While (Y/n) was asleep in Robert's lap, Lauren, Corey, Jon, and Jaime decides that to be the perfect time to bombard the Australian with questions. Jeff and Joey chose to stay out of it and have their conversation in the front.

"C'mon guys, the poor woman just lost her husband. Can we drop this until later?" Robert begged in an undertone voice.

Lauren pursed her lips but nodded. She had been the one to push Robert to move forward with (Y/n), and a few details on the matter weren't going to hurt anyone.

"Alright, we're here!" Jeff whisper-shouted. He was well aware of what would happen if he was the one that woke (Y/n) up. Jon had nearly done it while they got into the van, and Robert was sending him death-glares the entire time.

Robert waited until everyone got off before waking (Y/n) up. The gate was left open for them both, Lauren telling the professor that the two needed a minute. "Hey... we're here." He brushed her bangs away from her eyes and watched them open. "Did you have a nice nap?"

(Y/n) stretched her arms out with a groan. A series of loud cracks coming from her back followed, making Robert cringe. "Y-Yeah... sorry about that..." she was referring to the cracks and having fallen asleep on top of him. "Let me just..." (Y/n) decided to roll over and prevent herself from face planting by catching herself, but that, of course, didn't work out.

Her actions resulted in Robert and herself ending up on the floor. (Y/n) had rolled over enough so that she was, unintentionally, on top of the Australian. Heat rose to both their cheeks as their faces were only a few inches away from one another.

They both know that it was merely the heat of the moment when Robert grabbed (Y/n)'s neck and brought their lips together. The van's temperature seemed to rise as their lips moved in sync... (Y/n) moved her body, so all of her weight wasn't resting on Robert's.

After another few moments, (Y/n) lifted her head up and stared at Robert with wide eyes. "I-I... I'm sorry." She closed her eyes and sighed, shakily standing up. Robert did the same but caught her hand.

"Why are you apologizing? I kissed you." He squeezed (Y/n)'s hand. "I-I know that under the circumstances you... it wasn't out of pity (Y/n)." Those words came out before (Y/n) could say that the kiss was created that way.

(Y/n) pressed her lips into a thin line. "John just..." she let go of his hand and ran her fingers through her hair. "It feels... too early?" It was less of a question and more of a statement. "As I said before... I'm sorry."

Robert didn't let go of her hand. "Then... I'm sorry too." He attempted a smile, as did (Y/n). Both were fake, and they knew it.

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