chapter 21

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Clary's POV

His touch was lingering everywhere on my body. It was now evening and the sun was just sinking below the city's skyline. I was sitting on the bench by my window, my sketchbook resting on my knees and a charcoal pencil in my right hand. My eyes fluttered to the scenery outside again, hoping to be inspired by the city dipped in various orange tones, just now going into lavender, but I just wasn't feeling it.

My thoughts drifted back to earlier this morning, and I could feel him standing behind me, his hot breath on my neck giving me goosebumps. 

His fingers ran down the side of my neck, slowly tracing my collarbone and shoulder. I couldn't stop the shivers that travelled through my body. My mouth found its way to his and as soon as I felt our lips meet, my mind went blank. Nothing else existed, just me and Jace. My hands dug themselves into his golden curls, and I moaned silently in pleasure. 

My eyes opened and I had to blink a few times to remember that this wasn't then. Even though I was here now, sitting on my favourite spot, I couldn't stop the memories from flowing freely. I knew I shouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did, and it shouldn't mean as much as it does, but I just couldn't help it. My free hand moved upward ever so slowly until my fingers touched the bottom of my earlobe. 

I could feel him moving his lips away from my mouth and as I was about to protest, he placed his finger on my mouth. "Clary...allow me" he whispered hoarsely. When i nodded, he lightly kissed my cheek and moved his mouth further to the right with every kiss. When he reached my earlobe, I felt him nibble on it very tenderly. When his mouth moved further... down, I couldn't help but let out a choked out moan. My head fell back in content and my back unconsciously arched, eliminating every millimetre of space left between us. 

I was harshly ripped out of that wonderful memory, when the door banged open and Izzy stood in the frame, looming like upcoming death. 

"Just wanted to let you know that dinner is downstairs and before you asked I didn't make- what're you drawing?" she asked and curiously stared at the sketchbook, that was still resting on my knees. I didn't even realise how much time had passed, it was now completely dark outside, the stars shimmering brightly. The empty page in the sketchbook was now not so empty anymore. 

Instead of a clean white page, thick black lines now covered it, forming a... falling angel? The dark wings loomed over his head, which was bent down, curls covering his face from view. The background looked just as dark as the angel, black clouds covering the sky, thick raindrops dripping down, flowing down the angels bare chest.

"You know it kind of reminds me of Jace." Izzy, who was suddenly standing behind me commented. I flinched, but I had to admit she was right... my fallen angel somewhat resembled Jace. A blush crept onto my face, and of course Izzy noticed it right away because her knowing smirk grew a little wider.

"So... what exactly happened betwe-", before she could finish her sentence Alec yelled something from downstairs. Another demon attack already... this time at the club though? I can't say I was honestly surprised, those things where literally everywhere. Me and Isabelle reacted immediately, we both jumped up and rushed down, tying our hair up as we walked. Luckily we already had our gear with us, and all Izzy needed was her platinum blonde wig, because 'demons dig blondes' I mimicked her voice in my head, because dear lord I've heard that a few times too many. Before leaving we made a quick stop in her room to put on a dress, which took less than a minute because apparently Izzy had literally been planning ahead and had put out an outfit for me: a (of course) tight black mini dress that ended just above my knees and a dark grey trench-coat to cover my swords. 

As we were running down the stairs, Izzy whispered: "We aren't done with our conversation from earlier, don't think you're getting out of it that easily babe." 

She grinned and flicked her hair over her shoulder, as I let out a barely audible groan. When we got to the entrance hall, everyone was already gathered there (everyone being Jace and Alec). 

"Ok demons reported in Pandemonium, according to our source it should only be 5 though, so I don't think it'll be a problem." Alec said. The rest of us nodded and I couldn't help but notice Jace's eyes linger on me for a second too long. And then we headed there, walking since we still didn't have a fucking car and Simon was unavailable since he was spending some time with Adam. When we finally arrived, the club wasn't very full yet, but considering it was only 7pm that was definitely not unusual. My eyes scanned the room, although I was not entirely sure what exactly I was looking for, since the demon was a shapeshifter and could literally be anyone in this room. 

Demons are so predictable- it was so easy luring them into a more secluded area. Izzy just flicked her "platinum hair" a couple times while I swung my hips, and that is literally all it took, how pathetic. When we entered the darkened room, Alec immediately pulled the curtains closed, just as Izzy revealed the whip that had been disguised as her bracelet. Realisation quickly hit the shapeshifting demons and they snarled, not wasting any time I pulled out the sword from under my coat and stabbed the first demon through the heart before it even knew what was happening. 

My eyes scanned the room, trying to get an overview of how many demons we were dealing with here. Izzy and Alec were fighting back to back, as 4 demons seemingly had them surrounded. Jace on the other hand was fighting off 3 demons alone and it looked like they were gaining the upper hand. I quickly moved to his side of the room, watching as he sliced through two demons at once, which left him with an open back, something which the third demon had apparently also noticed. It sprung towards him and Jace turned around, shock evident on his face. 

I tried to suppress the flashbacks as I made my way over to them and with one swift movement I decapitated the demon still in the air between me and Jace. We both watched as it disintegrated and its particles dissolved in the air. Suddenly there was nothing between us anymore and my eyes locked with his, the sudden silence weighing down on us. Though it wasn't actually quiet, with Izzy and Alec still fighting behind us, the electro music flowing in from the DJ, the beats almost making the ground shake. But in that moment there was no sound, nothing but me and him, complete connection. We seemed to be having a lot of those moments lately.

I took a moment to look at Jace- I mean really look at him. His golden hair was unruly, not in its slicked back form anymore due to the fighting, the locks were long, covering basically all of his face leaving room for me to just see his eyes. He had a small cut, just above his eyebrow, blood was trickling down, dripping onto his long lashes. Everything about him was just so... captivating right now. 

He seemed to be thinking the same thing, because he didn't break eye contact either. Then it was like a switch had been flipped, he broke the space between us in two big strides and then he was standing in front of me, so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek. His gaze moved down to my lips, and then suddenly his lips were on mine and my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. This kiss was different from the others, it wasn't soft or careful, it was passionate and rough and desperate. When I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, I parted my lips and felt his tongue glide inside my mouth and my breathing became heavier. I need this, I need him, I need to take in every bit of him- 

A loud whistle broke the spell.

"Wow when I tell you I was NOT expecting this." Alecs voice broke us apart. 

"Really big brother? It was pretty obvious if you ask me." Izzy responded with a knowing smirk on her face. 

Hi guys! I hope you liked todays chapter, and like always I do apologise for the irregular and slow updates. If you're still here, thank you for putting up with it! I haven't really been motivated lately so if you have any ideas or feedback please let me know. That's all for me and until next time:)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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