The savior

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This is all inspired by the greatest writer ever!! Go check out shippingtrash right now for the best story of yo life!!!


{Delirious (Jonathan) POV}

I am what you would consider a 'street thug'. I go around robbing simple stores to make a few bucks. I have also killed a few people. You have to do what you gotta do to survive in Los Santos.

Anyway, I'm tired of robbing little stores. I want some real cash. So I've decided to hit up an armored truck. I know,i know. It seems risky but I've got to get money to live!

I decide to head to Ammunition to grab a few essentials. I grab a AK-47, some sticky bombs, a pistol, and some body armor. ' Well there goes all of my cash' I think to myself.

I head back to my cheap ass apartment and put my stuff down in my living room. 'Alright. So I'm gonna need to find an armored truck somehow. I guess i can look a little bit around Maze Bank and look for one.' I think. ' I'll have to be a few miles away but I'll find one around that area for sure!' And with that thought i went and took a shower and sat on my bed. " Tomorrow is a big day!" I say to myself with a yawn. And with that i fell asleep.


So that is a short chapter. I fell in love with the other story so i decided to make my own. Please check out there story and have a good day.

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