chapter 21

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"Mornin fiancé" ant says as i wake up. "morning babe" i reply as i give him a kiss. "so you know how you're the best fiancé ever" ant says. "what do u want?" i ask. "i really really want a baby" he tells me. "yes so do i and we're trying" i tell him. "then why don't we try right now." he says before kissing me. he pulls me on top of him as i deepen the kiss. (you know what happened next).

~one week later~
For the past 2 days i've been feeling quite sick. there's only one thing it could be... I rang pip and told her and she said she would be over with a pregnancy test in the next 10 minutes. Ant was out with daveed and probably would be for like the next couple of hours. she arrived and gave me the pregnancy test straight away. i used it and came out of the bathroom. i passed it to Pips and said "here you look at it". i was too nervous to look myself. after a few minutes she looked and gasped. "it's positive!" she yells happily. i stand there in shock. i didn't think that it would happen soo soon. "omg i need to think of a way to tell Ant" i tell her. she thinks then says. "it's his birthday in 2 days. Put the test in a box like a gift then let him open it.".
"that's a good idea. thanks sis!" i reply. we talk for a bit until Ant comes back in.

~~Time skip to Ant's bday~~
It's ants birthday today and i can't wait to give him the good news. "morning birthday boy" i say as i give him a kiss. "hey babygirl" he replies. we go into the kitchen to make coffee then i tell him i'm gonna give him his gift. i done exactly what Pip said. the test was in a box tied with a ribbon. "here you go" i say as i hand him the box. he opens it and his eyes light up. "is this real?" he asks. i nod and he pulls me in for the most bone crushing hug. "best birthday present ever" he tells me before kissing me. "so u happy?" i ask. "super happy" he replied. For the rest of the day Ant is super hyper. We had a show that night and Ant wanted to tell everybody the good news. we told them all at the end of the show and everyone was super happy for us. But now with me being pregnant i have to leave the show in 2 months and i'm gonna miss preforming everynight with the best people (minus jasmine).

oliviasooBaby Ramos due 25 of july💗💙Tagged- anthonyramosofficialliked by anthonyramosofficial, daveeddiggs, renneeelisegoldsbury and 714,279 others!oliviasoo has disabled comments on this post!

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Baby Ramos due 25 of july💗💙
Tagged- anthonyramosofficial
liked by anthonyramosofficial, daveeddiggs, renneeelisegoldsbury and 714,279 others!
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