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ShiroxLance smut

Lance had felt Shiro's eyes on him all day; he was worried he was in trouble. And when training was over, the blue paladin did his best to slip out of the training room and back to his room unnoticed; but Shiro called his name and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Lance, you stay." He said, his voice low. Pidge giggled and mocked,

"Uh oh, Lance. What'd you do this time?"

"I don't know," he said defensively. The other three left to their rooms and Lance walked up to Shiro warily, running down everything he'd done in the past week in his head. He and Keith had almost fought, he didn't do his chores very well, and he had smarted off to Shiro. Hopefully he wasn't in too much trouble, he really didn't want to get stuck on kitchen duty. He stopped in fromt of the commander and mustered a look of innocence. "What's up, Shiro?"

"You were slacking a bit in training. And I'm worried about your health. How old are you?"

"Nineteen," Lance tilted his head. "But I think I'm healthy."

Shiro nodded, almost approvingly. He gestured to Lance's training suit, "It looks like you've lost weight. You been eating right?"

"Yes, sir. Working out too." Shiro's eyes scanned him up and down, before he slid his jacket off.

"Let's do some one on one. Then I'll consider your attitude forgiven." He smirked playfully.

Lance's cheeks got hot - Shiro was wearing his black tank top, and it clung just right so his muscles were noticeable. It hugged his curves in a way that made him look almost like a statue. Lance had always thought he was attractive, to be sure; but he looked even better now. Shiro snapped in Lance's face and he jumped.

"You're staring." Shiro raised a brow.

"Ah, sorry." Lance's face burned. "I was just noticing you're- you're well built. How do you keep your physical wellness so high in the castle?"

"Easy, just running laps, stretching, working out daily. But being sure to rest too." He stretched out his neck out and gave a little nod, beckoning Lance to come closer. Lance complied and Shiro set a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Ready to do some sparring?"

Lance nodded, and was immediately shoved back, stumbling. Shiro smiled and got into a fighting stance. "Gotta be ready, McClain."

Lance set his footing more assuredly and put his fists up, smirking in response. Shiro ran at him and Lance stepped aside, taking advantage of his speed and smaller frame. Driving his elbow into Shiro's side, he jumped back as Shiro groaned and put a hand to his side.

"Too hard?" Lance smiled.

"Nah, that was good. A little dirty, but good." He chuckled. "You're fast."

"Fast and dirty, my two monikers in flight school." Lance got ready for Shiro to come at him again, and he did, but when Lance side stepped, Shiro grabbed his wrist and pulled him, making him stumble. Lance grabbed onto Shiro's shoulder as he fell backwards, taking both of them down. Lance's back hit the ground with an "oof-" and Shiro landed on top of him.

"Ouch..." Shiro huffed. "Shit, you okay?"

Lance was pinned down by his hips, panting and smirking, as Shiro sat up.

"Not even gonna take me to dinner?" He chuckled. Shiro rolled his eyes and went to stand up when his hands rested on Lance's waist. He could almost touch his thumbs together - Lance's eyes widened and he squeaked.

"Sorry," Shiro said absent-mindedly, lost in thought. "'re so tiny..."

"I- ah!" Shiro's thumbs had found the divots in Lance's hips, on the inner side of his thighs. This area was sensitive, and Lance blushed darker, "Watch your hands!"

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