Natalia's life has been hell since the day she was born because of her deceased parents and the abusive man who stole her from a foster home, Mike. She has been abused by men her whole life, both physically and mentally, creating fear within her tow...
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Natalia's POV
The next morning I woke up in an unfamiliar yet beautiful room. The theme is white and somewhat dull, but it's still gorgeous nonetheless. With white chairs by the big open window, a big white bed I'm currently laying on, a large TV across from the bed, and white furniture to match the theme.
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I glanced around, confused as to why I'm in such a lavish room that is foreign to me. My memories from last night flooded into my mind as a gasp escaped my parted lips. I fell asleep in the theater room last night with Jess while we were watching a movie!
Although, that still doesn't explain how I got into this room. Perhaps Jess brought me here while I was half asleep, and that's why I don't remember walking here.
A soft knocking on the bedroom door startled me out of my thoughts, causing me to squeak in fear. I sigh at my pitiful squeak, disappointed by my frightened state from a knock. Sitting up on the comfortable bed, I tilted my head in confusion while staring at the closed door, wondering who could be behind it.
"Come in," I croaked.
The door opened, and Ace stepped into the room, making a large grin settle on my lips. I sprang out of bed and ran up to Ace, wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a hug when I reached him. Ace raised his eyebrow at me while he stumbled back from the harsh impact of my body against his own, somehow managing to hug me back and regain his balance at the same time.
"I didn't think you'd be this excited to see me," Ace chuckled, resting his chin on the top of my head.
I rolled my eyes at him and lightly slapped his arm in a joking manner. He is so damn cocky all the time. It must be something with mafia men because all the men I've met from the mafia have been cocky.
"You sure know how to ruin a moment, Acey poo," I mumbled, pulling away from his embrace.
Ace's eyes narrowed as he heard the lovely nickname I gave him, hating it. I personally love the nickname and regard it as payback for the awful nickname he gave me.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me that shorty?" Ace groaned.
"I thought I told you not to call me shorty, Acey poo," I countered.
I smirked as Ace scowled at me and scrunched his face up in distaste at the awful nickname. I enjoy getting on his nerves because his reactions are comical; it's my new favorite hobby.