Chapter Four

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This is a shout-out to @jessiexandy,@vamprixussa,@Novemberfalls, @jessicalminor.... These people are made of pure gold and they've really made my day. Also, this chapter may be a bit longer than others.


"Good evening,people of Oakfalls. We have a small disturbing topic here," the news reporter gave a nervous laugh."There has been a case of a missing girl. Yes, quite unusual since.. " The news reporter broke off and laughed again. Was this man crazy or something? Read the damn news! He silently urged the asshole.

"We all know how teenagers are. These unpredictable children of nowadays. Anyways, her name is Trisha McLean. You know, Tristan McLean's daughter. Black hair, azure eyes. She was last seen at J&J bar. If seen, please, contact this number......"

He smiled. Yes, Trisha was his first move. Soon.. Soon.. Oakfalls would soon remember him. US would soon remember his name again. Time had dampened their fear. Their terror. The games had just started. Good thing moonlight was two days away.

He swivelled on the chair to face the whimpering girl. Her hair was plastered to her face by sweat, her eyes were tired and dull,her skin was pallid but she was alive. Alive to see the honour he had presented to her. In a warehouse,but it would do. For now.

Her wrists and ankles were shackled to the ground.

"Look at that my dear." he said, walking over to the weak girl. Crouching, he brought his knife to her forearm and her eyes widened.

"You're famous. Just like you always wanted." he said, stroking her flesh with the blade.

"You're sick. You're so sick in the head! The police will find me." Trisha spat out, anger making her voice strong.

His smile widened.

"I know. That's what I want, my dear. Glad to know we're on the same parchment." he said.

He dug the knife into her arm and she screamed. He dug deeper, twisting the knife in a circular motion. Her screams got louder.

He marveled at her screams. How melodious they were. Good thing he had gone for a singer this time.


Detective McCord

The central room aka the detective room, was known for the large amount of detectives it usually held. It was a big, well spaced and comfy room that normally brought solace to home sick detectives.

The number of stink eyes I was getting was exceeding the normal limit. As Ray Charles, an African American detective who was usually friendly, gave me a stink eye as he passed, I bolted into my office.

Tears threatened to fall but I curbed my desire to scream. My desire to scream as loud as I could until Oakfalls understood my pain. But it would only increase the mounting amount of rumors. I could only take so much before I snapped.

I lay my head on my desk and counted to ten. If I didn't cry before I got to ten, then I was alright.

When I got to Six, my door opened and my partner and ex-boyfriend, John Allen, walked in. Seeing him didn't dispel my fears or my pain like before. Instead it made it worse as he was also the cause of my heartache.

"Are you alright?" he asked, handing me a cup of hot Jamaican coffee. I gave him a grateful smile before slurping the coffee.

"Define alright." I said, in between slurps.

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