08; Bloodied Knuckles

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   Aizawa Sensei currently lay in a pool of his own blood in the center of the facility

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   Aizawa Sensei currently lay in a pool of his own blood in the center of the facility. Above him, holding him to the ground was the disfigured creature ( Name ) would be seeing in her nightmares for months afterward. It too, similar to the mist figure, had some strange aura of trapped death around it. The creature screamed out externally in what could be described as glee, but internally the scream was a wail, an awful wail that pierced her ears and brought moisture to her eyes for a moment.

( Name ) wanted to do something, but even from across the facility it appeared that Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta were found powerless as well. Her breathing grew more ragged and she fell to her knees as the man with hands on his body ran towards Tsu. Rin appeared next to her, a comforting presence, though even she couldn't do much with what was currently happening.

( Name ) felt herself momentarily black out for a moment before she came to, and Aizawa was holding his head up. Though she couldn't hear what the dialogue was, she knew it was nothing good.

She heard Rin next to her scream out in what she assumed was some sort of disbelief as Midoriya drew his arm back to try and land a punch on the man she would later learn to be Shigaraki. The creature miraculously appeared in front of him though, leading Midoriya's good punch to be practically useless.

Across the facility, the sound of doors slamming open echoed off the walls, and in came All Might.

"Fear not, I Am Here!" he shouted, looking down onto the villains below him.

( Name ) would later realize he wasn't smiling during this moment.

She figured that one of the students had escaped the facility and gone back to the school to alert everyone, or Denki had found a way to break through the hacked electrical system and communicate. After steadily rising to her knees, she emerged from her hiding spot carefully, trying to avoid alerting the villains in the center. She made her way towards Kirishima and Bakugo, who both appeared from their portal drop location yards away.

All Might smashed through a group of thugs in his way and grabbed the three students who still stood by the Nomu, dropping them a bit ways away.

As Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya all went to pick up Aizawa and trek back to the entrance, the number one hero began to punch at the Nomu. The Nomu punched back with just as much force, and Shigaraki was dialoguing to the side.

Stupidly, Midoriya began to run back towards the commotion as he handed Aizawa off to Tsu. She doesn't remember exactly when she had moved along with Kirishima and Bakugo, but she now realizes that Bakugo has the mist figure pinned down to the ground. She tries to ignore looking at the mist figure's face, because she knows the whispers will magnify. ( Name ) already has a migraine, and its only becoming worse as the seconds past.

Ice covers the Nomu, props to Todoroki, and Bakugo lets out a feral growl. All Might escapes from the creature's grasp as Bakugo scoffs towards the mist figure. "Move and I'll blow your ass up," He says, Kirishima mumbling from next to her. She doesn't catch what it is because of the migraine, but Rin giggles.

At the moment, she's thankful that the boys have remembered what her quirk looks like, and haven't attacked her yet.

Shigaraki seems extremely bored with what's currently happening, and it makes her body hot with anger. He says something, and the Nomu begins to break from its ice cage.

She lets out a small gasp, "Holy shit, it's growing back its arm like a lizard," She doesn't know if anyone heard what she said, but she hopes not, because that was an awful comparison. The blue-haired man says something and the Nomu suddenly rears back and begins to charge at Bakugo. Kirishima and Todoroki both let out a yell, and before she can comprehend, her own chains whip out and grab a hold of the explosive boy. Silently, ( Name ) gives thanks to Ryuu in her mind for thinking that quickly, as she can barely think at all.

All Might now stands in the place Bakugo previously was, and Bakugo stands next to her in confusion. Midoriya lets out a scream of disbelief, "Kacchan! You dodged that?"

Bakugo grumbles, "Shut up, I didn't. Ghost bitch pulled me out with her freaky chains," ( Name ) rolls her eyes at the name and a chain whips out and smacks against Bakugo's back, causing him to growl at her. Feral Pomeranian.

Shigaraki chuckles and begins a rant towards All Might, which seems to make the number one hero even angrier than before. Kirishima begins to try to pull Bakugo and herself away from the fight, though she can barely see at this point. Her migraine is so bad that she can barely feel herself stumble around. Shigaraki comes at them and the boys all simultaneously square up to fight. The Nomu and All Might begin to go at each other, punch by punch, but it's obvious that All Might is more affected by it than the Nomu.

With a large gust of wind, All Might yells out his signature line. "PLUS, ULTRA!" He yells, punching the Nomu with all his force. The others near her let out a small gasps as the Nomu flies through the roof of USJ. ( Name ) can see a bit better now, and Ryuu leaves her body, no longer being able to keep up with the stress added onto her. Immediately the cramps in her arms get worse and a small whimper lets through. Kirishima gives her a worried glance but continues to watch the villains.

Now, Shigaraki seems pissed and turns to All Might, yelling something about cheating. Immature, that's what it is. Todoroki says something about leaving this to All Might and Kirishima agrees, letting ( Name ) wrap her arm around his shoulder for support. Kirishima lets out a yell as Midoriya disappears from near them.

When she looks back towards the fight, she sees Midoriya with his arm pulled back and ready to punch at the mist villain. At the same time, Shigaraki's hand goes through the portal as well and makes a reach for Midoriya's face.


The sound of a bullet whizzes through the air before it collides with Shigaraki's hand and he reels back. Kirishima lets out a sigh of relief from next to her and she reverts her attention to the entrance of the facility. There, a dozen pro heroes from the school stand and a shaky smile comes to her face. More and more bullets whizz out and towards Shigaraki, who soon becomes covered by the mist figure's portals and promptly disappears into them as the mist itself disappears as well.

Todoroki and Bakugo begin to walk towards the entrance, Kirishima following behind with ( Name ) supported next to him. She feels stupid, weak really, for being this affected by her own quirk when everyone else seems almost completely fine.

Outside the facility, Tsukauchi, head of police, counts all of their heads. He states that everyone is basically uninjured besides Midoriya, which is true. ( Name ) may be weak, but she doesn't have any drastic physical injuries. The cramping and migraine had begun to die down slightly as the villains began to get taken away, but her mind still seems in shock. At the moment, she just wants to know where Aizawa is, and how he's doing, but there's zero way she can ask right now.

Thankfully, Tsu asks for her. ( Though Tsu had no idea [ Name ] wanted to know that. ) Tsukauchi replies with his injuries and states how he could suffer from long-term vision loss, and ( Name ) nearly breaks down into tears right there. Wow, she should've really toughened up for something like this huh?

Her eyes trail to the Nomu, who has been contained and put into some large chains. Tsukauchi claims that the creature won't respond and appears to be mute, but ( Name ) can't stop hearing the whispers around it. The whispers aren't loud or angry, but sad. They are wails contained inside the creature, something that is so, so much more disturbing than if the creature was wailing outwardly. She hates it, she does. She wants to free whatever is inside of it, and she wants to yell at whoever has trapped the pour souls inside of that treacherous body.

But, she supposes, that's impossible.

Or is it?


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