06; Oi, You There

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     "Hey kid, what's it like having All Might as a teacher?"

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     "Hey kid, what's it like having All Might as a teacher?"

An onslaught of questions were thrown at the tired female as she tried to get inside her school. The day could've been so peaceful, with barely a cloud in sight and sun from the heavens giving her skin a glow. But no, here she was, sweaty and being asked to give her opinion on something that an opinion had not even formed for yet.

( Name ) pushed past them unforgivingly as they yelled at her in discontent and anger, Ryuu in front of her striding along like the king he was. Ryuu never drops his crown, that's for sure. She hears the grumbling of Bakugo from somewhere else in the crowd and hears Iida's reformed yelling. She makes it through the gates and walks past an extremely exhausted looking Aizawa on her way. The eyebags he sports could rival her own, though it looked like Aizawa had made an actual effort to comb his hair. Something ( Name ) did not.

( Name ) sits in her seat, Tokoyami brooding from behind her. Ryuu sits floating atop her desk, which is something that wasn't very appreciated in ( Name )'s case. He smiles and says, "I wonder what Tokoyami's parents look like," and promptly disappears afterwards.

'Bitch really just dropped a bombshell like that and left', she thinks, Aizawa returning to the class room. He turns over a stapled pack of papers in his hands and starts to speak.

"I've looked over your test scores and evaluations-" he begins, glancing at Bakugo as he continues. "-Bakugo, stop wasting your talent," Bakugo looks up at their sensei, obviously agitated but simply mumbles out a small phrase ( Name ) doesn't catch. "And Midoriya-," Aizawa goes, "Learn to control your quirk," The statement is bland and unforgiving but seems to make Midoriya determined enough.

"Now onto homeroom business," Eraserhead continues forwards, "Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today you'll be picking a class president," The class yells out in a rush of adrenaline, excited to be doing a normal class activity for once. Multiple students try to raise their hands to be chosen before Iida contains them. ( Name ) hears Ryuu sweat drop from next to her. When did his ass appear again? Who knows.

"He has his hand raised the highest," ( Name ) simply nods in passiveness as the students decide to take an orderly vote. Aizawa doesn't seem to care about how they go about it at all, as long as it's quick.

In the end, Midoriya ends up getting three votes and Momo gets two, making them the class leaders. Iida seems disappointed from his seat at the fact he got zero votes.

"You know, I would feel lowkey bad for him but I'm still petty about what he said yesterday," Ryuu says, hands on his hip sassily as he continues to block ( Name )'s view by sitting on her desk. ( Name ) simply hums in response, nodding at the fact that at least Ryuu is self aware of his own pettiness.

She glances over at Iida, who still seems to be in some state of self-doubting. 'That could be an issue...'

Lunch comes and ( Name ) has no clue where to sit. She could sit with Iida and his friends to give him a confidence boost, but there's no way she'd be that good with words. Plus, she doesn't want Midoriya's loads of questions on her quirk or Uraraka's brightness. She stands in the same spot for a while as a migraine forms. Too many ghosts are in the lunchroom, and while none of them have strong emotions, there's simply too many for her quirk to deal with.

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