Chapter Forty Three

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"IZUKU!" Toga said making the other members turn to see Izuku who walked in. "Izuku? Why are you here?" Tomura asked Izuku "well I just got out of the police station, I figured I'd visit" "what-Why were you there?" "To take me back home, they keep thinking you kidnapped me"

"....that's annoying, but they let you go?" "No, I put the man to sleep" "...did you hit him with the chair since there's no pan there?" "No, I gave him this sleeping drug whatever you want to call it" "oh-" "they didn't hurt you did they?" "No, no they'd didn't"

"Pfft-who knew boss was protective?" Dabi said making Tomura turn "uh he doesn't even need me to protect him-he literally knocked policemen out with a frying pan and shoved his fingers down their throat and I Uh I have no clue what he did with the hero's" "I kindly told them to leave" "and did they?" "No"

".....I'm starting to wonder if you killed them.." "what? No i just threaten them to leave, it took a while tho" "huh..."

"Izuku! How many months are you???" Toga asked Izuku who smiled "I'm soon going to be eight months" "yay! Twice! He's soon gonna have the baby!" "Yeah!"

It was night and Izuku was staying with Tomura in the room Tomura always stays in when he stays a few weeks here or months...

"I have come up with a male name for the baby" Tomura said as he got in the bed "oh really?" "Yep, I was thinking that we should name him Past" "...what the fuck-" "I'm joking, I'm thinking.....maybe Tanji?" "Tanji...." "I don't know, just a name that came in mind"

"I think it's a nice name, I like it" Izuku said before he kissed Tomura softly and smiled in the kiss. "You're very pretty..." Tomura mumbled making Izuku giggle "no I'm not" "what? You are, you're so gorgeous I bet the princess will look beautiful just like you"

"Tomuraaa stop acting cheesy" "I'm not being cheesy~ I'm just showing my love for you" he said pecking Izuku's lips.

"...Tomura..." "hm?" "Do you actually love me?" "What? What type of question is that? Of course I love you Izuku"

"'s...just we never even went on dates or something we just...met one time and then we met again at the wedding...."

"Oh...well let's see...when I first met you...I thought" "that's him? That's the one I'm supposed to marry?" "I also thought that you had nice curves" "ew so you've always been a pervert" "eh, least I'm being honest but through those times with you I've liked you a lot, like a lot"

"Oh..." "how about you?" "Huh?" "Do you really love me?" Tomura asked staring into Izuku's eyes "I do, you've been good to me tho you can be annoying sometimes but uh I do, I do love you" "I love you a lot"

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