Broken, bruised and batterd

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Alec p.o.v

I ran to Jace just before he fell against the wall pulling one of his arms over my shoulder to support him I pulled him to Sienna's door kicking it in

"Sienna help don't ask just help me get him to the infirmary"

Sienna ran to Jace grabbing his other arm to support him we laid him on the closest bed. I ran to get Isabelle while Sienna sat next to him

Sienna's p.o.v

I held Jace's hand in mine his face hidden behind bruises and cuts his left eye had been swollen shut he started to choke panically I used all my strength to sit him up he leaned over the bed coughing up blood tears where streaming down my face who would have done this to him I sat on the bed behind him laying his head in my lap he was drifting in and out of consciousness I had to keep him awake.

"Jace listen to me you need to listen to the sound of my voice okay you can't sleep okay Jace are you listening alright I'll tell you how I felt about the night we slept together when you first kissed me It felt right I have always loved you when we went to your room I had this feeling that I knew we were going to do it. I was scared but when you spoke and told me you loved me and I knew you where the one. Jace you're my world ok so you can't leave me you have to stay awake when you told me that I could say stop whenever I wanted I realised you where my angel Jace you told me everything you didn't lie you said it will hurt but I gets better you made sure I was comfortable even if it meant you weren't. The feeling was pure joy Jace laying with you in your arms is like heaven." I intertwined our fingers together leaning down to kiss him on his forehead. He coughed up blood again this time all down his top he was getting worse where was Alec.


Alec ran into the room Isabelle by his side.

" Alec his coughing up blood. Where's your stele?"

Alec pulled out his stele tracing the rune on Jace's Palm but nothing happened.

" Alec please I can't live without him"

" I'll call Magnus izzy stay here" Alec bolted out the room

I looked down at Jace my tears falling in his hair.

" Jace stay awake okay Alec's gone to get Magnus your going to be fine just concentrate alright stay awake remember when I was 10 and we where play fighting and I accidentally hit you in the face it wasn't an accident you had a bruise on your cheek and no one believed that I punched you sorry. When you get better I'll buy you lots of mirrors so you can look at yourself all the time" his heartbeat started slowing down

"Isabelle his dying Isabelle help do something"

"Jace if you leave me I'm going to revive your ass just so I can kill you again" I leaned down to his ear whispering " Jace Wayland my angel there are no mirrors in heaven" he managed a small smile before vomiting on himself again.

"Isabelle can you get my a cloth please hurry" Isabelle returned with a cloth she leant down to clean his chine and neck quickly I snatched it out of her hand.

"Go away Isabelle"

After cleaning up the blood in his chin and neck he vomited again this time it wasn't red it was dark red black almost and I knew if Magnus wasn't here soon I would be spending the rest of my life alone.

"Jace Magnus is here okay you need to stay still and stay awake"

Alec looked at me " Sienna you need to leave Jace with Magnus come on" Alec went to pull my hand from Jace's I let go hitting Alec in the face making him stumble a little

"No I'm not leaving him I promised I wouldn't leave him"

"Sienna you need to let Jace go okay he'll be fine"

"No what if he dies and the last thing he sees is Magnus I could never live with myself"

While I was arguing with Alec Isabelle had taken my hand away from Jace's Alec came to help her as I fought to get back to Jace Alec replaced my lap with a pillow to support Jace. Isabelle and Alec pulled me out of the room. I couldn't see anything tears just kept coming down my face in the end I gave in I dropped to my knees my head in my hands Alec had come and sat next to me rubbing my back.

"He'll be fine sienna" I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

"I hope so" Izzy came to sit on the other side of my.

"Izzy I'm sorry I've been so rude to you lately."

"I'm sorry to I was wrong to yell out you, watching you in there making sure Jace stayed awake I could see how much you loved him and how much he loves you" as we sat there waiting for Magnus to finish I realised it was past midnight I was 17.

Sienna LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now