Chapter 1

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May all the lost passengers from the Titanic Rest In Peace.


The day finally arrived! We were to board the RMS titanic to join her on her maiden voyage! We were all packed me, my siblings and parents. My little brother Louis started going on about the titanic and all about the construction and layout of the ship. Louis is the 2nd youngest and the most annoying. He is very smart and likes to show it off. I grabbed Tillie, my baby sister out of the crib and got her ready to leave.

Eventually Nathan said "Louis please stop this, we will soon board the ship and see what it's like for ourselves!"

Louis stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms in annoyance, I released a little giggle. Nathan is the oldest, 17 to be exact, Louis is 10 and Tillie is 3 months. My name is Clara Miller and I am 14 years old. Today might well be the biggest day of my life as I leave my home town in England and set sail on the grandest ship ever built to the land where anything is possible, America.

The titanic was breathtaking! We got out of our taxi, thanked the driver and grabbed our bags before getting a real good look at the ship. She had 4 great big funnels with smoke swiftly emptying out. She also had thousands of shiny, little windows spread across the ship. She was magnificent! The most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my whole life and by the looks of my family's faces, it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen too. I soon noticed quite a few passengers already on board so I tried to hurry along to get on the ship. We were second class passengers so we managed to get through to the ship pretty quickly. We walked through the doors to enter a luxurious lobby with big, bright crystal chandeliers and modern stair cases. I smiled in awe of the incredible palace I had the privilege to walk through. But even with the ships wonderful glamour, I couldn't help but get a cold feeling and I couldn't pick why.

"Lets get settled in our staterooms before luncheon, shall we?" Mother said blissfully.

So we walked up the fine staircase ready for the adventure that lay ahead. Father, Louis and Nathan all went to their stateroom across the hall and mother, Tillie and I went to our stateroom. The stateroom had 1 bunk bed, a small couch and a bathroom facility. We decided to turn the couch into a crib for Tillie to sleep on and mother and I would sleep in the bunk bed. After a little while of us relaxing and unpacking, the luncheon bell went off and we met the boys in the hall towards the second class dining room. We enjoyed our tasty food, admiring the beauty of the ship and talking to some passengers.

"Hello miss, my name is Benjamin" a tall, slim man said to me as I was leaving to go out on deck. "Pleased to make your acquaintance".

"Good afternoon! My name is Clara, lovely to meet you" I replied trying to match his confidence.

He had rare light brown hair and the most enchanting blue eyes. The name Benjamin rocked around my brain and I found myself completely manipulated by this stranger.

"You look happy as a clam" he began, "must be this wonderful ship in my humble opinion!"

I smiled kindly and agreed.

"Would you like to take a walk?" He asked politely.

I looked at him curiously and glanced back at my parents to see them in a deep conversation. My siblings were nagging each other. Nathan looked my way and I signalled that I was going. He nodded in approval and went back to rocking Tillie in his arms.

"Shall we?" I said smiling to Benjamin and we walked out onto the deck.

"What do you like doing Clara?" Benjamin asked me.

"All sorts of things" I said."I enjoy reading and writing and I always fancy some adventure!"

He smiled widely and asked "how old are you Clara?"

"14, what about you?" I asked

"16" he answered.

He started to chuckle.

"What is it?" I asked courteously.

"You are the most fascinating girl I have ever met!"

My mind debated what that meant and I couldn't figure it out, so I just giggled in embarrassment and stared at the ground nervously.

"Did you hear that a smaller ship called The New York was distressingly close to colliding with the Titanic?" Benjamin asked with a strong interest.

"I did not hear of this upsetting occurrence. How very startling!" I said with shock but still remained polite and appropriate.

We walked for a little longer before returning to the dining room and joining back with our parents.

"Who was that handsome young man you were with before?" My mother asked when we returned to our stateroom.

"His name was Benjamin, mother" I stated.

"Mmm yes, I remember momentarily meeting his parents, seem to be exquisite people" she admitted.

I smiled and picked up Tillie.

"May I explore the ship with Tillie?" I said hopefully.

"Fine but only second class areas" mother said hesitantly.

"Of course, thank you mother" I said rushed, flying out the door.

I decided to go to the boys stateroom to see if they wanted to tag along but no one answered so I went on to explore the great ship. 


The chapters are short because I released this book all together (complete). 

Hope you enjoyed!

Please comment to let me know what you think!!

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