Chapter 13

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I cradled Tillie in an attempt to put her to sleep but she wouldn't stop crying. Mother fed her and we gave her broth. She was wrapped up in many blankets, so I couldn't understand why she was so upset. When the sun reached the middle of the sky, signalling midday, I got us all some broth. Rose was no better than before and everyone tried to help her. I eventually got sick from the constant ship movement causing me to vomit. I feared I had caught Rose's illness even though I knew it was just sea sickness. The strong tension across the whole ship also made it difficult to stay in this condition. I remembered back in England when one of my classmates in school died of tuberculosis, the whole classroom was full of distress and trauma for months. The misery on this ship is ten times worse. All the anguish in every single person onboard this boat is overpowering. I wished to be in England. I would much rather be in that classroom then anywhere near this ship.

I spoke to Benjamin more then I have since the whole time we have been on the Carpathia. He seemed to appreciate my company. That made me feel good and needed. Benjamin spoke of the time he went to the smoking room with father and William. He said what a good time he had and what good men our fathers were. His kind words made me cry and I really appreciated that Benjamin had said those things. It made me begin to accept fathers unnatural death. I can't help but think, if I had of ran up to him and stopped him from pulling the trigger, maybe this all wouldn't have happened. although if I had of done that I wouldn't have met Rose but I would put my father before Rose anytime. I do really like Rose, she is a very good person. She was there for me when no one else was. I can never repay her for all her kindness.

"Mother, why did the Titanic sink?" I pulled up the courage to ask.

It was a question that was racking my brain all day and I needed to know the answer.

"It was the iceberg Clara. Those humbugs told us that the ship was unsinkable. How dare they lie to us!" Mother growled.

"It wasn't their fault Celeste" Alice piped in.

"Of course it was their fault. We were promised a luxurious and safe travel to New York City!" Mother argued.

"Mother no one knew that we would collide with that deadly iceberg" Nathan said.

I wasn't aware that he was listening.

"Yes but who actually crashed into the iceberg?" Mother asked rhetorically.

I nodded and decided to tell them of my own experience. They don't know that I saw the ice and basically saw the crash. I must tell them.

"I was still on deck when the ship crashed. I fell from the violent shake, that's how I got this wound." I showed them my large cut. "I saw the ice on the deck and the rush as stewards and stewardess' raced around the ship. It was far from their fault." I confessed.

Everyone seemed shocked by what I said and they all nodded. I stood up and slowly walked to the railing. I didn't like being the witness to the horrible events that occurred but if I hadn't had saw the broken ice then I might have died. Alice and mother and Tillie might have died. So I am glad I was an observer to the event because I saved four lives. That I was proud of. As evening began to approach I drank some more broth and cradled Tillie to sleep. I sat on the ground a few metres away from the beach and watched my sweet sister sleep peacefully.

"What a lovely baby you have there!"

I looked towards the voice and saw a young girl who seemed only a few years younger then me. Her dark blonde hair flowed down her shoulders and her beautiful brown eyes were fixed on Tillie. She looked up at me and I smiled. I smiled back tenuously.

"This is my baby sister, Tillie"

The mysterious girls cheeks turned from a warm honey brown to a raspberry red.

She must have assumed that Tillie was my daughter.

"My name is Clara" I said politely.

"I am Pearl"

I felt like this girl was unusually familiar and I didn't understand why.

"Pearl, there you are" Someone spoke.

I looked up to the man that stood before me and was happily surprised. It was Joseph! The man I found as good as dead in the sea. The one I saved.

I quickly passed Tillie to Benjamin who was only a few steps away and hugged Joseph heartily. We had formed quite a bond on the lifeboat and I felt relieved to find him safe.

"Oh Joseph! You're alright!" I gushed.

Joseph seemed as reassured to find me safe as I was for him.

"Clara, I am so glad to see you again!" He beamed.

I remembered that Benjamin was standing near, rocking Tillie and instantly went to introduce them.

"Benjamin, this is Joseph. We met on the lifeboat." I said.

"You saved my life Clara! I would have died if you hadn't of seen me!" I smiled and hugged him once more.

I then recalled the story about his sister.

"You must be his sister!" I said looking at Pearl.

She nodded and smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you for saving my brother Clara!" She said.

In that moment I felt very content. I introduced my new found friends to everyone else and explained how we had met. Mother seemed very proud of me for saving Josephs life. Everybody welcomed them. Joseph and Pearl sat at the now crowded bench with us. I decided to sit on the floor from now on to provide room for everyone else. Rose was still very sick and was growing worse and worse. She also has been getting very dehydrated no matter how much water we gave her. I looked after Lena for her as much as I could to help her and I found myself in lots of sadness for my close friend. The thought of Rose dying was too much to bare. She had saved me when I was at a dark point, now I must save her. 


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