Chapter 11

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"Tillie" I whispered as water dripped from my eyes.

I took her out and hugged her so tightly that I was almost squishing her. As soon as mother saw me with her, she rushed to me fast. We both kissed my baby sister and I felt like the happiest person alive. I released Tillie to give Benjamin one more hug.

"Thank you" I mumbled.

I pulled away and took Tillie from my mothers arms. I collected blankets to wrap her in. I then sat on the bench and rocked my baby sister in my arms. Rose sat beside me, her rocking Lena too. Mother and Alice continued showing Benjamin affection. They gave him broth and warmed him up with blankets. I decided not to feed Tillie broth yet as she deserves to sleep right now. So I just rocked her lovingly.

"Is this your baby sister you mentioned earlier?" Rose asked.

I nodded with a smile.

"Whats her name?"


"How lovely!"

Tillie fell asleep in my arms straight away. Mother and Alice pushed Benjamin down beside me and went to get more broth and blankets.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and asked "where was she?"

"In a horrible man's hands. I knew it was Tillie so I took her off the wretched man and looked for you. Where were you?" He asked,

"Running around the ship looking for you" I whispered. "I looked around the ship for everyone"

"Did you find anyone?" He asked.

"No" I lied.

I had decided to tell everyone about Grace and father when we got back to America. Mother arrived back with the broth and Alice with the blankets.

Alice sat next to Benjamin and asked "Have you seen Grace?"

"No mother" Benjamin confessed.

Alice eyes looked dead. Those eyes that were once filled with joy.

Then the words "what about Nathan and Louis" left Alice's lips.

That question struck me like a thousand knives and I found myself dreading the answer. I watched as Benjamin slowly shook his head with sadness. I couldn't handle being there. I passed Tillie to Rose and stood up. I went to walk away from that depressing situation but before I knew it, I fell to the hard floor.

"Clara! Clara! Can you hear me" my mothers voice blared into my ear.

"Clara! Are you ok?" Benjamins voice approached too.

I tried to open my eyes but I felt not in control of my eyelids. I tried to say "Benjamin" but no words came out. I then saw in the darkness of my mind, my father appear. He was speaking but I couldn't hear any words. As he came closer and closer to me his words were clear.

"Why did you kill me?" He asked.

I froze.

"Why did you kill me?" He repeated. "Why did you kill me?" His words kept going.

The phrase was continuously repeated through his mouth. As he got even closer to me I noticed him holding a gun. Suddenly he stopped repeating the words and he looked down at the gun.

"You killed me" he said once more before taking the gun and aiming it at his head.

"NO" I screamed and attempted to move towards father.

I was too late, the gun fired and exactly like a few hours ago, his body landed on the ground. Bang! Thud! I screamed louder as tears accumulated. Then I woke up. My eyes shot open and I saw Benjamin, Rose, Alice, mother and the babies around me. I instantly sat up and cried into my knees.

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