Chapter 3

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After breakfast us kids were sent off to do something together while the adults chat. Tillie was crying a bit so she stayed with mum. Louis, Nathan, Benjamin, Grace and I set off to check out the ship. I told them I had already seen all of the second class passenger areas but to my surprise they all wanted to explore more like the third and first class areas. I was against it but soon gave in so we went to the poop deck. The poop deck was at the back of the ship so we got to see the propellors! After staying there for a few minutes we continued exploring more third class areas.

"Have you ever been on a boat before the Titanic Clara?" Benjamin asked me as we were walking through the third class dining room.

"No, have you?" I asked.

"A few times"

"Excuse me miss, what are you doing in here?" A cook asked me as we passed the kitchen.

I didn't know what to say so I just ran out of there and the others followed behind.

"That was close" Louis giggled, making us all burst out laughing.

"Come on let's sneak into the first class areas" Nathan said walking up a set of stairs.

We followed him to the entrance to the first class gymnasium where we made a plan. We all straightened our clothes, walked in as sophisticated and wealthy as possible and avoided eye contact with real first class passengers. We decided just to look around to elude attention and managed to leave uncaught. After our great success we decided to take a huge risk and visit something that was absolutely first class only, The Grand Staircase.

We once again approached the entrance to now a fancier door and tried our hardest to look like first class passengers. To make it more believable we decided to all link arm in arm with each other. Louis and Grace linking and Nathan, Benjamin and I linking with me in the middle. We walked through the entrance and no one was looking so we all let a little laugh escape our mouths before going back to a serious face. Soon my eyes met the grand staircase and my mouth dropped. It was unbelievably sensational! It was such a thrill as I walked up it, still binded to the boys, taking each step as slow as possible to really catch the moment. We reached the platform of the staircase with the clock and I just stopped to admire the rare charm it gives off. Trying to blend in, I continued my walk up the staircase before leaving the first class area and finally go back to my normal walk. I took a big sigh. I looked deep into Benjamin's blue eyes and gave him a radiant smile.

"We best get back before our parents wonder where we are" Nathan insisted.

So we walked out on deck to meet up with our parents. Mother and Alice were talking on the lounge chairs and I picked up Tillie out of mothers hands.

"Where is father and Charles?" Grace asked.

"In the smoking room dear" mother responded.

"Luncheon will start soon, we will meet them there" I said.

I walked off a bit, rocking Tillie in my arms and Benjamin approached me grinning.

"You enjoy caring for her, don't you?" Benjamin stated.

"Very much" I responded.

"Would you like to sneak off later tonight to enjoy the night breeze, just us?" He asked me.

"Gladly" I said smiling.

The luncheon bell rang signalling to go to the dining room. Benjamin and I rejoined the group at the dining room. Once again our two families sat together but mother skipped luncheon and returned to the stateroom to feed Tillie. 

This time us kids only talked with each other. We talked about our previous adventure but at a low whisper so our parents wouldn't find out. We would be in lots of trouble! 

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