Chapter 14

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I really got to know Pearl and Joseph more. I had learnt that the names of their parents were Sophie and Morris. I grew quite fond of Pearl, and Joseph seemed to be a very good man. I felt so happy that Joseph found his sister and I asked how they reunited.

"I had boarded this small ship for quite some time before I recognised her in a group of people. I must say it was the happiest moment when I hugged my little sister who I thought I had lost forever." Joseph reported.

Joseph looked at his sister with a small smile on his face and Pearl returned the same fulfilled look. I realised I was jealous of their happiness. Joseph had his younger sister right next to him. He can hear her laugh, the sound of her voice, feel her hot breath against his cheek, proving she's real. Whereas Louis is out there, alone, scared, cold and worst of all, dead.

I knew we would arrive in New York City in only hours now and this seemed to be a big relief to me and everyone else on this afflicted ship. We could eat without fearing that the sea would sink us again. We could possibly smile without feeling it's wrong or cruel. Although I knew all these things would be a great thing, if I do these actions I would have to face reality. The reality that Louis, Grace, father and William are all dead. That I was one of the lucky few who managed to survive that terrible sinking. I shouldn't have survived. Louis should be sitting here with mother's arms around him, sipping on the filling broth. I should be the one whose body is abandoned, surrounded by fellow dead bodies. Slowly getting eaten by fish and rotting rapidly as the salt water invades my numb wounds. I should be the one who is trapped inside the body of a lonely corpse. I should be the one whose last thoughts as my life slowly slipped away was, "will my family save me?" When no one ever did.

A slight groan left Rose's mouth before she vomited in her bucket. I went by her side and held her hair back.

"Shhh" I whispered gently. "All will be alright".

She looked up at me assured. Mother passed her some water and she gulped it empty.

"I need more" she said while looking like she was going to vomit again.

She turned to the bucket and continued vomiting. She looked up at us with vomit dripping down her lips. I frowned and wiped the liquid gently with a cloth.

"Please may I have more water. I need it urgently."

I looked up at mother, she was looking down at Rose with pity.

"I don't believe that would be suitable. You may vomit it up all over again Rose." Mother came by her side as she said those words with a teary voice.

Although mother and everyone else has only known Rose for a few days, I can see all their concern for her.

"Please celeste, I am so thirsty" Rose whispered desperately.

She once again turned to the bucket and attempted to vomit but it seemed she had nothing left to vomit up. Pearl tugged at my arm and I looked at her with a very grave face.

"Oh Clara, what is the matter with this poor lady?" She said absolutely distraught.

A single tear rolled down my cheek, I instantly wiped it away and sniffed loudly. Without saying a word I walked away. I couldn't bare to see Rose in this horrible condition. So I walked to the other end of the ship and forced myself to hold back any more tears that I was tempted to shed.

After at least an hour of escaping into the crowd I returned to the glum bench where the vomit was now everywhere.

Rose laid on the ground with cracked lips and loudly said "Issac!"

I looked at her confused until it clicked. She reached her hand out expecting to reach her baby's father. I rushed to her side and tilted her head to face me.

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