Coffee Shop Encounter

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It can't be...right? no way can I be THIS unlucky?
I-I don't even know how to mind is racing. My jaw is on the floor.

Picking up the pencil, I quickly jolt up and get back in my seat. As embarrassed as I am right now, I can't let him see my face or else he'll know that IM the GIRL who was in the GUY'S bathroom taking a DUMP! Wait. Why am I even being like this? He didn't even see my face so there's no reason for me to be scared. Ha! Im so full of confidence right now, I swear.

I look over at him, he's looking at his paper filling out blank spaces and writing intently. He doesn't even notice me staring and neither do I when he suddenly looks over to me as if hes about to ask me something. I quickly advert my gaze to the front but Im still noticing him from my peripheral vision. Fuck. Why is my heart beating so fast?

Thats mainly how the rest of the class went on. Me trying to catch a glimpse every now and then, hoping he doesn't catch me. I know its kind of weird but he kind of intrigued me in a way. Wait, what am I even thinking right now?!

Since I didn't live near my old school and my dad had work and couldn't pick me up, I had to take the bus to and from school. Its so annoying because I have to get up EXTRA early to make sure I don't miss it, but the thing is. I would ALWAYS miss it and my dad hates, and I mean HATES driving me to school. One time, he even said that I should just drop out because then he wouldn't have to drive me to school almost every morning.

But its different now that I actually live walking distance from my new school. Sure, it might be a 25 minute walk but the scenery is actually pretty breathtaking. Theres a cute flower shop that seems to be pretty popular and a park just around the block from where I live.

Theres a cafe nearby but I don't really like coffee, Im only mentioning it because some bands or singers perform really pretty songs just outside for the people. The only thing is that if Im in the mood for some junk food or drinks, the nearest cheap fast food restaurant is about 60 minutes away so I have to take the bus. That way it only takes about 20. Theres a grocery store too. I would make myself something but I hate cooking. Its too much of a chore and I can never get it right.

Since today is my first day here, I decide I should reward myself with something. Since Taco bell did me dirty, I decided I should give that coffee shop a try, who knows? maybe I might love it?

As Im approaching the coffee shop, I see that the chairs and tables outside are soaking wet from the rain earlier today so sitting outside is a no go, I would sit inside but there's hardly anybody there and its kind of awkward since I don't have my phone for entertainment while im eating so I should just take it home and eat it there I guess. I go up to order. I squint and try to see whats on the menu before deciding what I want to order.

"I'll have a...caffè mocha and two croissants please." I say. The cashier nods and tells me that it'll be $12.75, I hand her a twenty dollar bill and she hands me my change and receipt with my order number on it. it reads, ORDER #399 .

Im glad they have that drink because I used to get a similar drink back in Michigan. Its a caffè latte with chocolate and whipped cream, made by pouring about 2 cl of chocolate sauce into the glass, followed by an espresso shot and steamed milk. Don't ask me how I know the whole recipe, I was obsessed with it in middle school. It reminds me of home and my friends. Although, I don't know if this one will.

I sit down at a nearby table and wait for my drink. Soon after, more and more people start coming in. Makes sense, since usually at this time around 2:45pm, school is completely out.

The cashier yells out an order number. I didn't hear her so I wait until she calls it again. She doesn't, instead she just stares blankly at me. I guess that must be mine then. As I start walking up to get my drink, I suddenly bump into someone or something and the hot coffee splashes all over themselves. Before I can even process what just happened, they start telling me off.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" the guy yells angrily.

Its the guy from earlier this morning who shoved me aside. Oh shit. I say nothing. Im just standing there. Frozen. Speechless.

"HELLO?! WAKE UP! you need to pay me back! this is all your fault!" He starts waving his hands in front of me.

With nothing left to lose, I point to my ear with a confused face and start doing random hand movements.

I can see his whole face flush red of embarrassment. Realizing that he had just cursed out a "deaf " girl and demanded she'd pay him. Ok, I know what Im doing is wrong, but my fight or flight kicked in and my brain chose "act like a deaf girl to avoid conflict".

As he stands there...wide-eyed and mouth wide-open, I take this as my chance to leave this horrible situation before my cover is blown. I speed walk past him, grab my drink and croissants as quickly as I can and exit the cafe.

Finally when Im far enough away, I sit down on a nearby bench and let out a huge sigh. Right as Im about to take the first bite of my croissants(which look delicious by the way), I see a figure off in the distance getting closer and closer almost as if they're running towards me. I squint my eyes to get a better look when I recognize that all black outfit and that dark brown hair. Holy fuck. Its the guy from the coffee shop. I quickly get up and start walking as fast as I can hoping he's not actually coming towards me. Suddenly I feel a cold hand grab my wrist and turn me around. Our eyes meet and for a second he almost looks worried before clearing his throat, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He opens the notes app and starts typing.

After about a minute, he finally stops and shows me his screen. it reads, hey im so sorry for earlier. I honestly didn't know you couldn't hear! Im really really really sorry.

I look at him. He looks at me. I smile awkwardly and pat his arm a few times to let him know it's okay. Before he can say anything else, I start walking off. I look behind me to check if he's still there. He is. He then gives me warm smile before waving bye, then he turns around and lightly jogs back to the other side of the street.

Wow for someone who just got hot coffee spilled all over himself, He seems pretty forgiving.

I finally get to my apartment floor after climbing the stairs for what seemed like an eternity. Then again, I've never been  much of the athletic type. I get to the front of the door and stick the key in the lock, for some reason I can't get the door to open with my key. I keep trying the key for about a minute, and to my surprise, the door opens.

"Yes? Can I help you?" The redhead in front of me says.

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