The Stranger

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"Can I help you?" he says raising his eyebrows slightly.

He has a British accent. What the heck is a British guy doing in my apartment? or in New York of all places??

"Uhh yeah..this is my apartment?" I say confused.

" its not?" he says in a mocking tone.

What the hell? this guy. Im starting to get annoyed. I've already had such an embarrassing day, I don't need this right now.

"Yes it is." I say but bolder this time.

He looks me up and down. ""

Clearly annoyed, I take out my key and hold it up to his face showing him the number. "See? it IS my apartment."

He squints his eyes and takes a closer look at the key.
"Aha! See? it says 183 not 188." He turns the key so its facing towards me now. "So its actually MY apartment." He says with some sort of smug look on his face.

I feel my ears burn up. This is so embarrassing.
"Right. Sorry," we both just go silent for the moment, he's leaning on the door frame staring at me. Out of curiosity, I suddenly open my mouth.
"Um I noticed you have an accent...where you from?"

"The UK," he responds rather quickly.

"Really? What's someone from the UK doing in New York of all places?"

He exhales, "Well, my parents thought it would be a great idea to send me to the states so I could learn how to deal on my own for a year, and since my parents are total arseholes, they decided to move me into this crappy apartment and leave me here," he stops talking for a second and looks confused. "Wait, why am I even telling you all of this?"

"Why New York?" I reply, almost cutting him off without realizing.

"Yknow..., you ask alot of questions, You're a curious little one, aren't you?" he gives a little smirk as he raises his hand and taps the tip of my nose with his finger. Almost like a little boop or something.

"And you're weird." I said taking a step back. Clearly this guy is some sort of creep.

" are." he responds.

"How am I the weird one?" I blurt out.

"You're the one who practically broke into my apartment claiming it to be yours!" he bantered.

I immediately remember the embarrassing moment that happened a few minutes ago.
"Well...I-I didn't know! okay? I thought it was mine!" I put my hands up in defense.

"Thats what they all say..." he rolls his eyes dramatically as an 'yeah right' face which annoys the crap out of me. Why is he so obnoxious? Ugh. Whatever.

"You know what?" I say.

"What?" he fake eagerly responds.

I scoff. "Have a nice day." I give him a fake smile before I turn and walk the other way.

"Bye bye darling!" he waves as he just stands there smiling like a sarcastic jerk.

Are british people always such smug idiots? or is it just because he's a ginger...?

hi to anyone who is reading my story :) um so...YES I KNOW ITS CRINGEY BUT BARE WITH ME ITS MY FIRST STORY SO IM ALLOWED TO BE CRINGEY WITH IT OKAY? agjdksj anyways im currently researching and studying alot into writing ( im not actually in any kind of writing school/class lol i just use the internet to learn what i can) desperately trying to improve my grammar and my writing T_T yes i am aware this story is kind of cheesy and unrealistic sometimes but thats what im going for..i think? i just wanted to dump all of my cringey ideas and tropes into one story to see what i could do! but hey, this is just my first story out of many ones in the future:) idk how long this story will be but for sure after this i will be focusing on a much more structured novel type beat thing. its going to be an enemies to lovers btw ;) so this story is just kind of a test one that im writing for fun and mainly for me yknow before i start writing more serious books:) ty for reading and ily<3

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