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Jason's pov

We have gotten out of the one night sleep in the hotel. We put our bags into the family car. Sophia has taken us to a restaurant to eat some breakfast.

Right now we are all eating in one of the big tables. Benny and Olivia are facing each other. Carlos and Will are doing the same thing. So is Sophia and I, we got the small side of the table.

They were all having a normal conversation about something but I wasn't really paying any attention. My eyes started to explore the place. I spotted a guy. He looks lonely I guess. Well, he isn't talking to the people around him. As far as I know from just watching from this far distance.

I started to feel like something was behind me so I didn't even bother try to look. I instead try to listen to the conversation in front of me. They are talking about that one time in science class when we were in sixth grade before I joined the baseball team.

But I can still feel it like whoever it was. They are looking at me in pure disgust. Like I did something wrong that they had a displeasure about. A grudge even. I mean whoever was glancing at me wasn't fully wanting to do something bad, I think, however to me it felt entirely different. Up to the point that my index finger started to twitch for a few seconds.

"I still remember how you dirtied your hair and it couldn't wash out for about two days," I heard Benny say that was followed by a few laughs. I started to focus on that a little bit more this time.

They continued to talk about the science failed project. I still feel the stare that wants to burn everything in its way. And I just so happened to be the target.

"Yeah, I remember that I freaked out for about an hour," I told the gang while moving one hand. I start to feel nervous under this judgemental stare. My finger twitched again I hope that no one notices.

I was almost finished with my food but I have lost my appetite. I start to swirl my fork in my plate. I can't take the eyes that are glued onto me anymore.

I quickly turn so fast that some would say that my baseball skills were put into action. I spot an elderly man looking at me.

He turned away from his focused gaze. He has wrinkles on his structure. His eyes are the color of the metallic atmosphere. His hair and beard is the shade of snow.

He is wearing an earthy colored sweater and pants that are both worn out. He has a dark brown beanie it appears to be new. He is only carrying an ember backpack on his shoulder.

He gave me a cold gaze and he started to get his bag. He starts to get up leaving the building without finishing his food. I can feel light again not having the weight of someone peering at me.

I turn around to see that everyone is observing me. Great, just great. At least they have finished consuming their food. Just like I kind of did. Okay, I haven't totally finished my food yet.

They are just waiting on me to finish or to get up from the chair so that we can leave. I quickly got up after putting everything that we used to eat in an organized manner. Sophia put a small tip for the waiter that had attended our order. And we got out of there fast. Well, I did.

Sophia's pov

I drove all of us towards a parking lot. We are still very early so I didn't panic. I'm going to sell this family car of ours so that we can buy a different one in Brooklyn. When we get there that is.

I tell everyone to get their bags so that the buyer could see the state of the car. It wasn't that bad so the buyer gave us the same amount of money. That I have theorized that the total amount of what we were going to get.

I went to the pathway that would lead us towards our transportation. Everyone was following me since they didn't know where to go.

Will' pov

It was strange that the supposed loud twins have been quiet after the whole breakfast event. Well, one that was silent the most was Jason.

It makes sense it has been close to four years since his parents are no longer with us. I just hope that he gets better.

I bump into Carlos with my shoulders who was starting to look at Benny. Maybe he was spacing out since he does that constantly. He seems to react to this.

He shakes his head to get out of his 'little world'. He looks at me and I give him a smile like I always do. He gives me a smirk that was followed by a nod.

I didn't get a chance to question why he was spacing out. We started to walk under a bridge it wasn't big but we haven't been in this part of California. Considering that our Mamá wouldn't let us.

"We are here everyone," I hear Sophia say to us. She turned around to see our faces.

"Wow," I can hear Carlos say stretching the 'o'. I look at his face and I almost laughed if I were being honest to myself.

Jason's pov

I was thinking about why that old man was looking at me in pure disgust. When I heard my sister say that we are here I got out of it.

I look up to see that there is a train in front of us. I could feel my jaw drop. My sister was looking at the way we have all reacted. That is when I heard Carlos say 'wow'.

I snapped out of my head to continue with the journey. I saw what everyone else was doing when the twins both raised their left hand.

"Choo-Choo!" They said in a very loud voice yet again. I wonder how didn't I went deaf yet.

We all look at each other and then I look back with a good feeling in my stomach.

The train had a name the Forest Train Station in bold green letters in the side. It was mostly the color of ember with silver highlights. It has a silver whistle at the left side. The wheels are the color of a raven.

The doors are the color of bark. It also said some things like of a type of warnings and of course the name of the train. The roof was the exact shade of a juice fruit punch.

I feel very excited about this. Not knowing what is going to happen. It makes my bones shiver since of the presence of goosebumps.


Done in Friday, Oct 30, 2020
Do not copy
See you later passengers :)

Forest Train Station [Rewriting some bits]Where stories live. Discover now