Once and for all

27 4 16

[The pupsies march down the street in the very early morning, under the dim-lit lights, holding small lanterns, determination in every pup's eyes. They head towards the World building.]

PUPSIES (Sung softy)

Now is the time to seize the day

Stare down the odds and seize the day

Paw step by paw step that's how you win it

We will find a way

But let us seize the day

KATHERINE (Walking down the stairs, holding her own lantern.)

I'll find a place to hook up the lights. You get those windows unlocked.

JACK (Holding some keys, going towards the windows)

We've got enough keys here for the entire building. Hey, has someone been pickin' Daddy's pockets?

KATHERINE (Jumping up on a box)

The janitor's been working here since he was eight and hasn't had a raise in a long time. He's with us 100%.

[Jack opens up the windows, revealing more light. Davey, Les, and Race climb out of a window, while Bill and Darcy climb out another. The Jacobs and Race look round at the cellar with wide eyes.]


Hey, you got enough pups to keep us covered?


We can have a pack of wolves in here and no one would be the wiser.

JACK (Walking towards the press)

All right, good job.



JACK (Looking back at Davey)



It's good to have you back again, Ranch dog.


Shut up.

KATHERINE (Putting the blanket off the press, dust spreading everywhere)

Here it is, pups. Now just think, while Pawlitzer snores blissfully in his bed, we will be using his very own press to bring him down.


Yeah, remind me to stay on your good side.

RACE (Circling the Press)

Hey, is this what they print the papes on?

DARCY (Sniffing the press)

I can see why they tossed this old press down to the cellar, but I think it will do the job.

KATHERINE (Pointing her paw at Darcy)

Jack, this is Darcy. He knows just about everything there is to know about printing.

[Jack strolls over and prepares to lick Darcy's nose. But Darcy is unamused.]

JACK (Backing away from Darcy)

I'm sorry. You work for one of the papes?


My father owns The Trib.

JACK (Whispering)


KATHERINE (Pointing her paw at Bill)

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