(6) Secret Admirer blues

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George sighed as the cold December air swept past him, he forgot his jacket

So he began the trek back to the classroom

Knocking on his Professors door and very slowly opening it, it was empty so he walked to his seat and collected it, swooping it into his arms as he noticed odd blue powdery stuff on the ground

He bent down and rubbed it between his fingers

Seeing a trail that leads him through other chairs

"What the hell is this.."

He bent down once more but almost immediately stood turning around hitting someone in the face with his book, looks like Mrs. Opal's boring lectures really would 'save his life one day' as she said

He sighed when he saw the Professor and helped him up

"Mr. D, what was-"

"George Davidson?"

He yelped when he heard a woman behind him, almost immediately using the Professor as a body shield

"You seem to have good reflexes.. and reaction time."

She smiled and that was when George recognized her

Director Cameron, from the Quantico headquarters

"Director Cameron?"

She smiled and nodded

"I was informed on how you solved the case earlier today, great job
Mr. Davidson."

He stared at his Professor as if asking for answers

His Professor inhaled deeply

"Actually Director, It was Mr. Brighton, who solve-"

"No, no. It was Mr. Davidson as well."

That confused both of them

"But I didn't-"

"Mr. Davidson, had you waited for Ms. Omeese, ehem Ms.Zoey I mean. You would've found that her case was similar to Mr. Blakes, meaning you unintentionally solved her case."

That surprised both of them

"Mr. Davidson, you have potential. Why are you so passionate about pursuing a career as dangerous as this?"

He inhaled deeply, they'd asked him this the first time he applied for this course

Smiling softly, "I want my brother to have the safest world possible... I don't want to one day have a case file with my brother's face on it."

She smiled as she handed him a very heavy bag, "Arrive here tomorrow at 5:45 AM, tell no one. From here on out, Mr.Davidson, are you going to be taken under my wing."

He smiled as his eyes lit up


"How is it over there?"

George stared at the smiling face on the screen, Nick

"Mom's been crying even though you've already been there for a whole year! Dad's just been silently missing you- oh yeah! I have a girlfriend now!"

"Girlfriend, you say? Who is this poor girl?"

"She's actually rich dumbass."

"Well someone had to get her to date you somehow."

"Yeah, well at least someone will date me, how is it like being single?"

He rolled his eyes, "Perfect, I haven't really met anyone like that.."

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